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❝ Do you like the idea of being tied up? ❞

"Thank you for calling Charlie's Books, where you request and we fulfill, this is Sawyer speaking how can I help you?"

"You've got to stop saying that"

"I can't just stop saying that, that's how I'm supposed to answer the phone"

"Do you guys not have caller id?"

"I'm at work and if you're not gonna order a book please stop calling"

"No, I like bugging you, I feel like it really grinds your gears"

"I'd like to grind your neck"

"Sawyer, oh my that's so aggressive"

"Yeah and what about it?"

"I like it"

"You're a masochist"

"Only if you're the one causing me pain"

"Grow up"

"I can be the Anastasia Steel to your Christian Grey"

"You like the idea of being tied up?"

"Depends, are you the ones tying me up?"


"Careful there Sawyer, you're sounding a little too excited, plus you don't want my mind to wonder"

"Uh-huh, and where would your mind wander to?"

"That's a very inappropriate question, if I'm not mistaken that tone in your voice is very...."

"Very what?"

"So how many books have you sold today?"

"Change in subject, what? can't take the heat?"

"Books Sawyer, let's talk about books"

"I haven't sold any books yet today"

"So what exactly do you do besides being a..."

"Are you trying to call me a bitch again?"

"I never called you that, I simply said bitchy, those are two different things"

"To you"

"You know what, I don't like your attitude miss, I'd like to speak to your manager"

"Of course one second"


"Hello, this is the manager speaking how can I help you?"



"Are you okay?"

"You requested to speak to the manager and I fulfilled your request"


"I'm the manager"


"It's a family-owned business"

"Family huh? I'd like to be family"

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing, I gotta go but Sawyer?"


"I'm Emerson"

dial tone

dial tone

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