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Rose- what the fuck was that?! *she shouts spinning around in unison with the rest of her friends*
*she turns around to see Harvey dragging Max and Philip apart and without thinking she runs over to help. She grabs Max and pushes him backwards by his chest stopping him from lashing out even more. Philip is screaming at Max and Max is screaming back. They both sound like maniacs but with her adrenaline pumping all she could hear was muffled sounds. Until one voice broke through the rest and that was the voice of Harvey.*
Harvey- McGuire watch out! *he yells as a chair comes hurtling toward her and Max*
Rose- *pushes Max out of the way and the chair hits her and she falls to the floor* argh fuck! *she screams*
Philip- McGuire?! *he yells* as in Kai McGuire?! *no one answers him* well fucking answer me
Rose- *after getting pulled up off of the floor by Max* yes as in Kai McGuire! He's my brother you prick! *she shouts while touching her head and pulling her hand away to see blood* what Kai did was wrong yes! But he was a kid! When kids are scared they snitch! He's 18 years old now he would have been 14 back then and you guys would have been 13! Let it go! The amount of times our house has been smashed up and egged since then are countless. The amount of times that he's been battered in school are countless. And now I know why. It's all because of you. You still had connections to the outside which is why my brother kept getting your boys on him. Philip he raised me from a young age when my dad walked out on us for another woman and the only freedom he got was ruined by the stuff that he joined you with! So if you want to hurt me to get to him go ahead. But it's only gonna make your time here longer. Let it go. It's been almost 4 years. You can't live like this forever.
Philip- *walks up to her and stares at her for a moment* do you know? You're nothing like your brother. You have a way with words and you're one of us. So for your sake I will let it go. But I'm not being besties with him. If he EVER snitches again I will kill him.
Rose- it's not a good thing being one of you guys and I can't say that I'm proud of it but it's who I am but I know for a fact that I am not going back to this life when I get out of here and neither should you and so help me god if you drag these boys back into a world of crime. The world that they worked so hard to get out of I will bring the police to your house myself and make sure they arrest you and bang you up for good this time. Do not test me. *she says and then pauses for a moment* Jesus I sounded like my mother then but I mean it *she says walking away*!
Max- let's go get you patched up *he says putting his arm around Rose's shoulder* sort your friend out Harv *he says before walking away*
Jared- okay I near enough just witnessed a decapitation and you expect me to be okay with that shit?!
Philip- oh shut it specky! The girl is different I'm intrigued *he says while looking back at Harvey*
Olivia- don't call him specky!
Philip- or what?
Harvey- you don't wanna do that
Philip- yeah I do Rose isn't here, so what are you gonna do? Nothing because he looks awful in those glasses
Olivia- for your information I think he looks very handsome in his glasses and your opinion isn't relevant to this situation, he needs them to see and Harvey clearly needs glasses he needs to see what an absolute arse you are and that you're not worth even talking to let alone being friends with. Because on the outside you guys will never talk again. You will go back to the life of crime and the boys will live a normal life and actually do well for themselves. They have proved that much in the time that they have been here. Now I'm not a threats kind of girl but you bet your arse that if you drag them back into it Rose won't be the only one sending police your way dickhead
Philip- have you finished? Because I was starting to get bored
Harvey- hey why don't you have some respect? Get it into your thick skull Max and I? Don't wanna go back to the shit that we did before which landed us in here. No amount of threats or blackmail will get us to join again. And as for you being and arsehole to Rose and the girls and even Jared that needs to stop because I will tell the guards and councillor that you're planning on going back to the shit you landed yourself here for in the first place and that's showing that you haven't learnt anything so you will go to an actual correctional facility aka prison and in Rose's wise words. Do not test me. *he says turning around and resuming his work*

Delinquent (A Max and Harvey Fanfic) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें