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*after about 5 minuets of looking he finally finds Rose sat on the very bench that she was sat on the first day that she arrived there. Even though it was harvey that found her that day. Minor details people😂*
Max- *sitting down across from her* hey McGuire
Rose- *looking up with glossy eyes at him* hey Mills
Max- have you been crying? *he says concerned*
Rose- maybe just a little
Max- why?
Rose- I can't help but feeling bad for you feeling like you did back there
Max- hey *he says reaching across the table and holding her hand* you haven't done anything wrong. You didn't make me feel like that. I made myself feel like that because I'm falling for you Rose and my mind is working overtime trying to think about whats going to happen when we get out of this place. Like if you feel the same as me which is fine if you don't but if you do. How are we going to make it work when you're still in here for 2 months and I'm out. Harvey said there's such thing as visits and I can come see you but I wouldn't be able to hold you. And then there's the fact that your brother hates me for my past a- *Rose cuts him off by smashing her lips into his*
Rose- I'm falling for you too Max and it will only be 2 months it will fly by. And as for my brother he can suck a motherfucking dick. He might have seen the person you was before but I'm seeing the person you are now and this is the person that I'm willing to sacrifice everything for because despite your past you're still an amazing guy and so is your brother. We're all delinquents and if my brother and mum can accept me then they sure as hell can learn to accept you. *she smiles while looking into his eyes*
Max- do you really mean all of that?
Rose- of course I do Max. I believe in you. And I believe in us and what we can be as crazy as that sounds
Max- *pauses for a moment and thinks* Rose?
Rose- yeah?
Max- will you be my girlfriend?
Rose- of course I will Max
*he reaches over the table and kisses her and then they head back inside to tell the others the news*
Mini- well thank fuck for that *she sighs* we thought you guys were never gonna grow the balls to get together the tension has been killing me ever since you guys started flirting which may I point out had been a while *she playfully rolls her eyes*
Harvey- yeah you were prolonging it I agree the tension was actually making my soul fidget every time I'm around you guys which is every waking minuet of my life
Olivia- well I'm beyond happy for you guys *she says excitedly while throwing her arms around them both at the same time*
Jared- so am I *he smiles while pulling Olivia up from the floor because she had fallen when she tried to pull away from Rose and Max*
Rose- now all we need to do is prove everyone wrong when we get out of this place
Mini- the rest of us have got 5 months left
Rose- I get out on my birthday the councillor told me the other day and I wanted to surprise you that I was getting out early but I guess now is the time to tell you all. They shortened my time because of what the guard did to me and because Grace started the fight they reviewed everything properly. I just need to behave and show I'm willing or I will get the 2 extra months added back on but hey I'm only in here a week more than you guys and I'll have Leo to keep me company as much as that pains me *she laughs*
Max- that's brilliant! *he says while picking her up and spinning her around*
Rose- oh and I've found out where I'm living
Harvey- please do enlighten us because Yatley is only a small place we all literally live around the corner from each other and somehow didn't even know each other existed until this place
Rose- my mum told me on Christmas what street it is I also wanted to keep that a surprise just in case I live near any of you but might as well tell you now. It's 49 Darkling street
Harvey- no way!
Rose- what?
Max- that's literally 2 doors down from us we live at 53 (the houses go up in the odd numbers form 1,3,5,7,9,11) Darkling street
Mini- and that's the street down from me!
Jared- it's across the road from me
Olivia- it's the street above mine
Rose- guess we're all stuck with each other *she smiles*
Olivia- we all have to have each other's backs. Non of our old friends are gonna want us and we won't be able to make new ones because of what we have done and half of the people are scared of us. So we will all be friends out side of this place.
Mini- yeah everyone around Yatley knows us or knows of us and is cautious about us even though we have changed so we have to have each other's backs she's right. Plus we basically live with each other here so we're going to be able to stick it out in the normal world.
Jared- the only person they don't know of is Rose
Max- they will see her as the new girl they won't know where we know her from
Harvey- so people will try and warn you about us and try get you to stay away from us
Rose- and I will tell them straight. I will tell them about my past and tell them that I met you in here and I will tell them that Max is my boyfriend and that I won't think of him any differently no matter what they tell me because the changed guy he is now is the guy he's always been he was just into some bad shit and I will tell them that in no way will they stop me from being friends with you guys because you've all changed and you're the only people that have had my back for the past year and I love you all like family I will make them think of me what they think of you because why should I be any different? I'm a delinquent just like you guys and I didn't end up in here because of minor shit.
Mini- and that my friends is why I approached her on the very first day we got here. I knew I got good vibes from you *she smiles*

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