Fragmented [@loiseaublanc]

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Fragmented A Mature Romance by loiseaublanc

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A Mature Romance
by loiseaublanc

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"I choked on my next breath; butterflies caught in tailwinds, spinning out of control. To the outside world, the scene laid out was depressing, two broken souls coming together in grief, but we were more than that. Our own kind of beautiful."

For those who love something a little more steamy and hard-hitting, I cannot recommend Fragmented enough! The delicate yet raw manner in which Clara approaches mental health and its impact on a grieving Trixie is to be admired.

Spiraling into a black hole of reckless behavior, sex, and alcohol, Beatrice "Trixie" Leighton barely holds the pieces of her life together. With the first anniversary of the accident that almost took her life swiftly approaching, Trixie must battle her demons and the rising feelings she develops for the equally haunted Matt Quinn, as both their worlds begin to implode, their need for one another and the resurrection they lend becoming that much more important. In their fragility, they are stronger. In their vulnerability, they find hope. And in their healing, they find what they need to put each fragment of their lives back together again.

The expert way in which words are strung together - shattering your heart one moment, then quickening its rate until its bursting at the seams the next - is owed to the steamy affairs between Trixie and Matt, and a heart that longs to be put back together again. It captured my heart by those very first words, and Clara still holds it firmly in her grasp as I eagerly await what comes next for these two.

From the moment I first read Clara's work, I have been in awe of the beautiful and artistic way she crafts her worlds and been enamored by the emotional webs she spins that make it impossible not to feel something every page. We all have those authors that we will follow wherever their stories lead them, and Clara is one of those authors for me. Her undiscovered talent and elegant prose is something that will never cease to amaze me. I'm sure she'll amaze you too!

Join Trixie today in this tale of grief, hope, and learning what it takes to put the broken pieces of your life back together again.


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