Chapter 3 Ivy Know's Best

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Someone, please remind me why I thought that taking biology would be a good idea again? Because I've only had one biology class so far and I already hate it. The teacher, Mr. Jensen was so boring. He just droned on, and on about something that I tuned out halfway through. My lab partner was away today so I had to sit by myself, which wasn't the worse, but it defiantly made the class seem way longer.

I was so lost in my own thoughts that when the bell rang for lunch it made me jump in my seat. Everyone, even the teacher seemed to already be packing up for lunch when the bell rang, meanwhile when the bell rang and scared me I ended up knocking my backpack off my seat and spilling it all.

"Great," I groaned out. Apparently, today just wasn't my day for not dropping and spilling everything.

I crammed all the papers into my backpack as quickly as I could so I wouldn't be late for lunch. I didn't want Ivy to think that I was standing her up. I basically speed-walked out of the classroom and towards the cafeteria, thank you to Grayson for pointing it out earlier so I wouldn't be wandering the halls trying to find it for the whole hour.

True to her word Ivy was standing by the cafeteria doors.

"Hey!" I called out once I was close enough. "Sorry I'm late, I spilled my backpack out."

"Why do I feel like I shouldn't be surprised?" Ivy laughed. She pushed the double doors open that lead to the cafeteria and started to make a beeline for her table with me trailing closely behind her. It was weird, everyone seemed to move out o her as she came close to them.

Huh, weird, I thought. Maybe she was just well respected? I tried to brush that idea off.

Ivy lead us to a round table near the middle of the room. There were a few people already sitting around.

"Guys, this is Addison!" Ivy announced dropping down at the table and gesturing from me to the three other people. "Addison, this is Audrey, Brad, and Cecelia." She pointed at a girl with strawberry blonde hair, a guy with light brown hair, and a girl that looked like she was a year or two younger than us.

"Hi," I waved timidly. "It's really nice to meet you all." I sat down in the empty spot next to Ivy.

"Has anyone seen Grayson?" Ivy asked. "I think he got detention but he's not answering me." She groaned.

"Why am I not surprised?" Cecelia snorted taking a bite of an apple.

"It's nice to meet you," Audrey greeted turning herself to fully face me. She was sitting on the other side of the round table and judging by the way Brad had his arm slung around his shoulder she ate, they were defiantly dating. "So how did you have the unfortunate pleasure of meeting, Ivy?" She giggled.

"Hey!" Ivy yelled at her through a mouth full of food. "I think you meant to ask how Addison had the absolute privilege of meeting me?"

"Whatever helps you sleep, Ives," Brad snorted.

Ivy was about to retort but a figure quickly dropped down in the empty seat between her and Brad.

"Holy hell do I hate school," Grayson groaned out. He wrapped his arm around Ivy's shoulders and gave her a forehead kiss before he kept ranting. "Like I was barely late to my first class and Mrs. Erickson threw a fit.

Ivy seemed completely unfazed by this and just rolled her eyes before gesturing towards me. "Grayson meet my new friend Addison-"

"Long time no see," Grayson joked, nodding his head at me in a welcoming gesture towards me.

"You two know each other?"

"Yeah, Grayson helped me find my English class this morning." I filled in.

Brad snorted. "Yeah after he knocked all her papers out of her hands."

"You did what?" Ivy asked slightly fuming.

"Hey has anyone seen Xavier, yet?" Grayson said changing the subject.

I laughed lightly.

"He said he was gonna be a few minutes late, something about doing some important work," Cecelia piped up.

Right on cue, the cafeteria doors opened and everyone seemed to go quiet. I craned my head around to see what it was, but it looked to just be some guy. He was wearing all black, but other than that I couldn't really make him out so I just turned back around to the table.

It only took a few seconds before everyone in the cafe went back to their conversations. I could hear heavy footsteps approaching from behind me before a voice spoke up, "mate."

I whipped my head back around to look at the voice and was met with dark brown eyes. "Mate," they repeated staring me down.

"I knew it!" Ivy shouted happily only to be shushed by Grayson a second later.

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