Chapter 7 Andrew And Juliet

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          When I pulled into the school parking lot the next day I could feel the excitement start to bubble inside of me. But it wasn't like how I felt yesterday, it was different. I felt happy I guess. Truly and honestly happy.

          I had barely locked my car and taken a few steps towards the school when Xavier appeared out of nowhere and started to walk side by side with me.

          "Morning," he greeted giving me a breathtaking smile.

          "Hey," I smiled back.

          "I was worried that I scared you away yesterday," Xavier confessed, "But I guess I'll have to try harder."

          "You're going to have to try a lot harder than that," I joked. "I went to public school in Arizona."

          Xavier walked me to my locker where I put all my books away and grabbed my English textbook. "You know it's ok," I said softly as the first bell rang. "You have class to get to and I'm sure that I can manage to find my way, I mean Grayson did show me yesterday."

          "Now what kind of guy would I be if I didn't walk you to class and carry your books,
Xavier rolled his eyes at me and grabbed my English book out f my hands while I busy closing my locker.


          "You're going to have to get used to it," Xavier told me already walking towards my class.

          "And they say chivalry is dead," I smiled.

          True to his word, Xavier walked me straight to my English classroom and we got there just before the final bell rang. He gave me my book back and looked like he wanted to say something but before he could someone pushed past us and into the classroom.

          "See you at lunch," I said slipping into the class and finding my seat in the back beside Ivy.

          Ivy immediately said hi to me.

          "Alright class," Mr. Hanson said walking into the room. "We're going to start on Romeo and Juliet today." A few people groaned in response. "I'm going to group everyone up and you'll all get a different scene to read. At the end of the month, each group will perform their scene in front of the class and get marked on how well they do."

          "Or I could just claw my eyes out," Ivy whispered me to obviously annoyed.

          Mr. Hanson started to read the groups out loud, I strained my ears for my name. I was really hoping that I would be in the same group as Ivy. ". . . group number four will be Ivy, Andrew, Mark, and Addison."

          "Oh thank god," I breathed a sigh of relief and Ivy laughed in response.

          The four of quicky gathered in a group near the back of the class. Andrew and Mark introduced themselves to me and nodded at Ivy. I couldn't deny that they were both super good-looking, they were tall and had defined jaws that had me drooling.

          "Ivy, your group will have Act two scene five," Mr. Hnason came around and handed each of a script.

          "Ew, I hate this scene and I refuse to be Juliet," Ivy said right away.

          "I don't mind," I said softly flipping through the pages.

          "I can be Romeo," Andrew said right away.

          "Um," Ivy tried to cut in but Andrew beat her to it. "So it's settled, Addison and I will be Romeo and Juliet and you and Mark can be the Frair and the nun."

          The rest of class went smoothly, we all just practiced our lines and talked about what we would wear before the bell rang.

          I stuffed the script into my bag before Andrew came up to me, "Hey, I think that we have bio together next and I was wondering if you wanted to walk together?" He asked.

          "Sure! I was just going to ask ivy because I can't really remember the way."

          Andrew and I walked towards biology, which was on the second floor. He sat directly behind me, but my partner wasn't in again today so he asked if he could sit beside me, which I of course said yes to.

          Andrew was cute, to say the least, he had blue eyes and blonde hair and was wearing a tight grey t-shirt that did nothing to hide his body. We had a test coming up at the end of the week so Mrs. Smith just gave us the whole class period to study.

          "I'm pretty sure she's too hungover to teach," Andrew whispered in my ear pointing at Mrs. Smith who was currently popping some advil.

          I let out a small laugh before I could muffle my mouth.

          Andrew and I spent the whole class, more or less, studying before it was time for lunch. Andrew was making small, flirty jokes the whole class and I couldn't stop the small crush that was creeping up on me.

          The bell rang for lunch and luckily this time I didn't spill my backpack. Andrew and I walked to the cafeteria together where I saw Xavier nervously packing in back and forth in front of our table while Ivy was trying to calm him down.

          "I'll see you later," I told Andrew before walking straight over to the table.

          ". . . she's human so it'll take her longer to feel the bond. Just calm down," I heard Ivy say.

          "Hey guys," I greeted taking the only empty seat. It was between Audrey and where I assumed Xavier was sitting. "Everything alright?"

          Xavier's whole deminer changed the second he saw me. Instead of looking stressed, a smile overcame his face and his eyes softened. "Hi," he breathed out.

          "So I was thinking since tomorrow's Friday we could do like a pizza night since Xavier's parents are out of town," Ivy piped up.

          "I'm in," I agreed. I might as well make the best of everything while I'm here.

          "I have an extra spare room to in case you want to stay over," Xavier said and them followed it up right away with, "I mean everyone else usually does so I just thought I'd offer."

          "Please!" Audrey whined. "It's always just Ivy and I and we could use another girl."

          "I'll check with my mom but, sure."

          Xavier's smiled got even bigger if that was possible. He sat down beside me and I barely noticed when he scooted closer to me.

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