Chapter 48 He Knows

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Xavier's POV

My wolf wouldn't stop clawing at the barrier in my mind, demanding to be let out so that he could go and find out mate before she tried to reject us.

I was walking back to the packhouse, knowing that I wouldn't be able to control my wolf if I shifted and ran there.

I could feel the worry starting to build up and spill over through the pack link with Ivy, Grayson, Brad and Audrey. This only made me walk faster until I was basically sprinting to the house.

"Alpha," various wolves bowed their heads as I walked past them. You could tell that they were all slightly afraid of me right now and their inner wolves were cowering.

Brad was the first to greet me when I walked into the packhouse. "Alpha, Mrs. Avery is upstairs in your office waiting. She says that she hasn't seen the Luna since the gym opening ceremony. There were no strange scents inside the house, and the Luna's scent was also fading." His face was hard, but I could still see the panic and worry behind his eyes.

"And Mr. Thomas?" I asked already making my way to the staircase.

"He's with Audrey and your parents in the conference room, the pack doctor is also there looking over his injuries," Brad explained.

"Injuries?" I echoed confused. "What kind of injuries could a pack elder get from a human?" This wasn't making sense at all. Addison had barely gotten stronger since I marker her, there's no way that she would be able to actually injury a wolf. I mean, sure she could scratch us, but that would heal in seconds and the pack doctor wouldn't need to come at all for that.

"Audrey mind linked the pack doctor to come here and make sure Mr. Thomas was ok," Brad said. "She said something about wanting to make sure."

Audrey was Mr. Thomas on the spot. Making sure that his story was adding up, which it didn't feel like it was.

"I'll speak with Mrs. Avery first," I informed Brad as I stopped in front of my office door. "Mind link me right away when Ivy and Hunter get back."

Brad looked confused at my request but didn't question it. "Yes, Alpha."

I closed and locked the office door behind me, luckily it was soundproof so no one would be able to listen in.

"Have you found her?" Mrs. Avery asked me at once. Her eyes were red-rimmed and she was clutching a few tissues in her hands.

"We have our best hunters and trackers out right now looking for her," I said.

"No one's told me anything, Brad just burst through my front door asking about Addie and when I told him that she wasn't here he checked the whole house before demanding that I come with him at once back to the packhouse," She explained. "Even in the human world someone crashing into your house, it isn't a good thing."

"Mrs. Avery-"

"-Sandra," she corrected me. "You're my daughter's soulmate, call me Sandra please."

"Sandra," I corrected myself dropping into the empty chair beside her. "You said that your grandma, Addie's great-grandma was adopted into a werewolf pack, correct?"

"Yes, she was adopted by a werewolf couple, but she herself was a human and didn't have a werewolf soulmate. Addison is the first in the family to have one. But what does this have to do with her missing?"

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