Chapter 22 The Reason

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I was still standing in the parking lot when the bell rang signalling the end of first period.

I wanted until the first bell for second period rang before going back into the school. I need to change out of this stupid, white dress and back into my jeans. I made sure to look both ways when I walked down the hall that leads to the theatre, the last thing I wanted was to run into anyone right now. Especially Xavier.

I was just pulling my shirt over my heart, careful to not mess up the curls I had spent so long on this morning when I heard footsteps.

I rolled my eyes, picking up my backpack and making my way out of the changing room when I heard more footsteps.

"Hello?" I called out.

No answer.

I shook my head at myself, I was just being paranoid about everything that had just happened. Andrew was in my head.

I was halfway across the stage when the lights turned on and blinded me.

"That was quite the performance, Miss. Avery," Mr. Davis's voice filled the room followed by a slow clap. "I was on the edge of my seat."

"What are you doing?" I managed to spit out. I slowly brought my arm down from over my face, blinking as everything came into focus.

"You know I always hated Romeo and Juliet when I was in high school," Mr. Davis went on. "I mean two kids that fall in love and then decide that they can't live without each other, so they kill themselves?" His voice rose as he spoke.

"I have class," I said. "I need to go."

"You're not going anywhere!" Mr. Davis yelled. His voice cutting through the room like a knife through butter.

"What are doing?" I repeated.

"But then I moved here, to Midnight Creek and finally started to understand," Mr. Davis' voice grew closer and closer.

"Understand what?" I whispered.

"That soulmates are real."

I didn't know what to say.

"But you already know that, Addison? Don't you?" Mr. Davis was right beside me now as he spoke. " You already know that soulmates are real and that you have one."

"Mr. Davis," I started to speak but he cut me off.

"I didn't believe it at first. that werewolves were real. But Midnight Creek has a way of showing you the truth."I could feel his breath on the side of my neck as he went on. "I found my soulmate. Her name was Jenna and she was a werewolf. She introduced me to this whole world, she showed me love and I was happiest I had ever been."

"But?" I whispered.

"Your soulmate killed mine."

"No!" I shouted. I whipped my head to the side and looked Mr. Davis dead in the eyes. "You're lying, he wouldn't do that. He's not like that, he-"

"He's a cold-blooded killer."

"You're lying, I repeated.

"She was a rouge, she didn't have a family until she met me. But your little boyfriend didn't care about that, he just as her as no good rouge, and so he took care of her. H killed her while she begged for her life." Mr. Davis paused before continuing. "He didn't know that I was there, waiting for her in the forest, that I saw everything. He didn't know that she was my family."

"Why don't we ask him? Why don't I go get Xavier and bring him back here?" I could feel my heart racing in my chest.

"And listen to him lie?" He spit out. "No, no that'll never work. I need him to feel the same type of pain."

My legs started moving before I even knew what I was doing. I just knew that I had to get away, and I had to get to Xavier.

I was almost at the door when Mr. Dvais grabbed me. He yanked me back by my hair, setting me crashing into a row of chairs.

"You're not going anywhere."

My head was spinning and it felt like my legs were on fire, I couldn't move my right wrist without wanting to cry out in pain. My back hit the cement first, followed by my head right after, I could barely hold myself upright without seeing stars.

"Get away from me," I slurred out. I tried to push myself up off the floor, using the chairs I flew over to hold myself up with.

"You were a good student, Addison," Mr. Davis came over and yanked me upright by my sprained wrist. "I thought that you were smart, smart enough to know who the right people were. But clearly, you're not. You're just a stupid, little girl that needs to be taught a lesson."

I tried to push him away, but it was no use. Mr. Davis was holding my sprained wrist in a tight grip as he let me out the fire escape door near the back of the theatre.

He kept shoving me forward every few feet, claiming that I was going to slow. He practically dragged me out the rest of the way to the empty parking lot before he shoved me in the passenger seat of his car.

He knocked my head into the dashboard when he pushed me in. I could feel something warming dripping down my temple, and my lip was burning as it had just been split open.

"Please," I mumbled out as Mr. Davis backed the car up and started to drive. "You don't want to do this. You don't want my blood on your hands."

"I want justice for what happened. I want Xavier to suffer the same way that I did."


I know that this
chapter is shorter,
but the next one
I think will be
in Xavier's POV.
Would you guys
like that?
Please let me know.

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