1| the ice dancer

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I walk out of the locker room with my bag slung over my shoulder and Tucker talking my ear off.

"Come on, you have to admit coach was kinda a pain in the ass today." he smiles.

"Isn't he always?" I said, shaking my head.

"Yeah, but today was different-" but I'm not listening to him anymore.

Maybe about twenty girls have overtaken our practice area. All of them with a pair of skates strapped to their feet.

I walked to the edge of the rink and yelled at one of the nearest girls. She was a brunette -really pretty- with a black long sleeve shirt and leggings on. A sliver of her tan stomach sticking about between the two pieces of clothing.

"Hey!" I yelled. She turned her head around and skated over to the edge.

"Can I help you?" she asked.

"Yeah!" I said. "You can help me understand why you're in our rink."

"It's my understanding that the rink belongs to the college and unless you own the college then I don't think it actually belongs to you." she said a smile twisting at her lips.

"We're the hockey team."

"Congratulations." she said with an eye roll. She turned away and skated back to a guy. Blonde hair, broad shoulders and he nodded toward us and I could feel the annoyance roll off her from 20 feet away.

Tucker and I walked towards the door but when Swim by Chase Atlantic -my favorite band- came on I stopped and turned around.

The girl from before with the smart-alec attitude was circling the rink with a guy. The same blonde guy.

(this is what he saw)

"Oh my god." I muttered. I turned to Tucker who was just as shocked as I was.

"How the fuck did they do that?" he said. I sat down on the bleachers.

"What are you doing?" he said.

"I'm watching. I don't have to be a Joeys for an hour." he set his bag down too and we both watched as pairs of couples did a routine and hopped off, switching out with another couple.

After 30 minutes the same girl from earlier got out on the ice alone.

She did another amazing performance with a bunch of twists and jumps.

Halfway through the song who I assume is their coach yells and the music cuts off. The girl stops.

"Alina, what the hell was that?" her coach yells.

"The performance you told me to do!" she snaps back.

Her coach turns around to the rest of the group and yells at them to scram. They do and after a minute, Alina is unlacing here skates while her coach stands over her.

"You have got to be faster. You moves are precise but if you don't speed it up and get to the next one, you will fall behind and the judges will notice. Elijah is having to slow down to stay in rhythm with you."

Alina looks up to her coach. "I'm sorry-"

"I don't have time for excuses. Clean it up or I'm replacing you with Madeline." her coach walks off and Alina is left there alone.

"I got to go dude, I'll see you later." Tucker jumps down from the bleachers and walks out. I watch Alina. She plugs earphones into her ears and pushes a button on her phone.

She doesn't leave though, she just sits there and watches as the Zamboni cleans the ice.

I can't help but watch her watch the ice. I don't want to but I feel bad for her.

After a second she laces her skates back up and gets back out on the ice. She does the same routine as before but it's rushed and sloppy.

I grab my bag and make my exit. Once I'm out in the open air I spot coach. Has he been waiting out here this whole time?

"Where you been, kid?" he asks. He slings his arm around me. We start walking down the path.

"Watching the ice skaters."

"They're good aren't they?" he asks. I nod my head and he turns toward me. "I need a favor..."

"Ok..." I say.

"The coach of the ice... dancer people needs a hockey player to help out one of her... ice people. Anyway you're my fastest player so I volunteered you." he smiled. "Thanks kid. I'll text you the details."

He walked away, more like ran away, and I stood there with my mouth hanging open.

"THIS IS NOT A FAVOR!!" I yelled after him.


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