5| "No feelings"

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We were all done eating and when it came down to who payed the check Hali and Tucker had a stare down. They agreed that Tucker would pay and Hali would leave the tip.

I honestly wasn't done hanging out. So when Tucker pulled us into a ice cream shop down the street from the cafe I was happy. Tucker payed again and I was informed that he was loaded.

It wasn't like I couldn't pay but my parents had me on a limitation. Between my new car repairs and the semester starting in a few weeks they put a lock on my card. I didn't even know they could do that.

We all sat down outside at a picnic table and ate our ice cream. I got mint chip with extra chocolate chips.

Hali grabbed my arm. I turned to look at her. She handed me her phone to me. Jake had texted her.

Jake: I miss u

I looked at her. "No!" I said passing the phone down to Selene and Aurora. Hali reyes to grab it back but I pushed her back. They read the message and looked to her. She buried her head in her ice cream and didn't look at us.

"Hali! No!" They said.

"I know but-" Hali started.

Tucker grabbed the phone. "What are we talking about?" he read the message and looked to me.

"Halis TOXIC ex." I said glaring at her. She snatched her phone back and tucked it into her back pocket.

"Girl! What are you thinking? Hand me your phone back I wanna text this guy." Tucker said.

"No you're going to say something mean." she said eating a spoonful of ice cream.

"That's the point." he said, his hand outstretched for her phone.

"No you guys don't understand. He bought me flowers and-" Tucker plucked a flower from the pot in the middle of the table and handed it to her.

She took it and tucked it behind her ear. I grabbed her face and made her look at me "If I catch you texted him I will flush your phone down the toilet."

"So I just don't need to be caught." she said. I shoved her face away and we finished our ice cream.

We all walked down the street. It was filled with shops and restaurants.

Hali suggested a bar. Tucker was following after her like a love sick puppy. Aurora was talking to Callum who was carrying her heels. Selene and Caspian walked into a shop and we had walked off without them. Reece was walking quietly beside me.


Tucker and I walked ahead of the group.

"I bet you twenty bucks those two will be dating by the end of the month." I said looking back at Alina and Reece.

He shook my hand. "My boys awkward so I doubt it."

"You don't think they'll get together?" I asked.

"Oh most definitely. But it'll take him longer than a month to get his shit together." He laughed and I laughed along with him. "Fine. You're on." We shook hands and continued walking.


We decided against the bar and split ways. After we said goodbye we headed back to our separate apartments.

"That wasn't so bad." Hali said from the drivers seat. We drove Selene but she had left with Aurora back to their on dorm.

"I guess." I said looking down at my phone.

"Sooooooooo is anything going on between you and Reece." she said eyeing me.

"We only met today but yeah the weddings scheduled for July."

"Well damn I have tennis that day." she elbowed me. "For real. Anything?"

"No." I said. "No feelings." I said.

I was telling the truth. There were no feelings for Reece. But I honestly didn't want to leave him as much as I fought it at first.

"No feelings." she repeated.

When we got home both of our phones buzzed. She shut and locked the door and I fell onto the couch. I picked up my phone and saw a text from a random number.

Unknown: Party. Tonight. 10. DoDo.

To the untrained eye a normal person would see that there's a party, tonight, at 10. But where?

'DoDo' is code for Donaldson Road. The home of Cheka Rollins frat house. And yes, that was his real name.

"Hals?" I said.

"Yes dear?" she called from the kitchen.

"Did you see there's a party tonight?" I asked. I held up my phone. She brought a tub of cookie dough over to us along with two spoons.

"Mr. Kay's going to hate you on Monday." I said digging my spoon into the tub.

She ignored me. "Yeah. Wanna go?"

"Socialize with people?" I asked. Pretending to think about it. "No thank you."

"Fine by me." she said. "Then I'm going to change into my sweatpants."

When she walks into her room and closes the door my phone rings. I pick it up to see Reece's name pop up.

"What the hell?" I say to myself. I push the green button on my phone and Reece's face pops up on my screen.

"Hey." he says.


"So I called you because we found a blue wallet. And it's right where you were sitting earlier so I was just gonna ask..."

"No it's not mine. But you could just look at the ID..." I say grabbing my spoon and digging it into the tub.

"The ID..." he sighs.

"Hey Le-Le." Tucker says popping up on the screen.

"Hey Tucker." I say and wave. Hali comes out of her room and falls on the couch beside me.

She's wearing nike shorts and a stained oversized sweatshirt. Her hair pulled up in a messy bun and somehow she still looks like she walked off the red carpet.

"Hey boys." she said sipping on her diet coke.

"Hey beautiful." Tucker said before Reece shoved his face out of the camera.

"We'll we have practice so I'll text you later." Reece says.

"Ok." I say and he ends the call.

"No feelings my ass." she says.

"What?" I say clicking play on the tv.

"He calls you now?" she says giving me a look that makes me blush. Why am I blushing?

"He found a wallet and was asking if it was mine..."

"Oh my god." she says laughing.

"Hey! What about you? And the... Hey beautiful..." I say in a low raspy voice mimicking Tucker.

"Can you blame him..." Hali says gesturing to herself.

I pointed to the stain on her sweatshirt. "Isn't that spaghetti from a week ago." she shoves me and I laugh.

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love y'all 💕

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