6| the favor

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It was a week after the night at the cafe and out for ice cream. I couldn't deny that Alina was an attractive woman.

More than attractive but none of the words I could think of did her beauty justice.

I walk through the halls of Laurie U. Headed to History class. When I turn the corner I bump into a girl. I see Alina look up at me.

"Almost knocked me on my ass," she laughs.

"Sorry." I laugh. "Are we still on for tonight?"

"Yeah," she says. "9?"


"Ok then. I'll see you then." she walks around me and I turn around and watch her walk away. She looks back once and smiles.

"Whipped." someone mutters behind me. I turn to see Tucker. I walk over to him and he throws his arm around me. "Man you're down bad."

I shove him off me and he just laughs. "Oh shut up." We walk into History and Mr. Calloway is already teaching.

We sneak up the back and take our seats. "Nice of you to join us Mr. Adair and Mr. Bailey." Mr. Calloway says.

"Sorry sir." I say setting my bag down and pulling out my textbook.

After class I put my textbook away and sling my bag over my shoulder.

Tuckers talking my ear off as usual when Mr. Calloway calls my name. Tucker mouths, good luck, and walks out the glass doors.

"Yes sir?" I say. He sitting at his desk shuffling through a stack of papers.

He finally looks up at me. "I like you kid and you're hockey skills are out of this world which is why I'm offering you this deal." he pauses. "You made a D- on your last exam. If I turn this in you'll be failing and have to quit hockey. Which is why I'm offering you a redo of the exam. You have to get above a B- to pass.." he trails off. The only thing I can think of is quit hockey...

Hockey is my life. I can't quit.

"When is the redo?" I ask, my mind whirling.

"A week from today." he says.

I have a week to get my grade up. If I fail I have to quit hockey... I'm bout to study my fucking ass off.


I get a text from Reece an hour before practice with him. Between class and real practice it's the only thing I actually look forward to.

Reece: I'm so sorry to do this to you but I have to cancel tonight
Reece: I'm so sorry
Me: Don't worry bout it :)
Reece: You're literally the best

I smile at my phone but when I see another message pop up I instantly frown.

Mom: Hello dear. I'm hosting a party tomorrow night and you must attend. And this is not a request.
Mom: I'm assuming I'm setting a place just for one?

I loved my mom, I truly did. But with all parents she got on my nerves. Always checking in at inconvenient times. Assuming I was single. Hating what I was wearing or my new hair cut. Never approving of my boyfriends when I did have them.

I didn't even know what I was doing. It was all a blur. Typing and then hitting the send button. But then reality hit.

"What did I just do?" I said. I reread the message I had just sent to my mother.

Me: Actually I have a boyfriend. I would like you to meet him and tomorrow is the perfect opportunity.

"I'm a fucking idiot." I said to myself.

Only one name pops into my head.

Me: So I need a favor...

He texts back immediately. One of the things I love about him.

Reece: I'll do it.
Me: You're not even going to ask what it is?
Reece: Anything for you
Me: I'm rolling my eyes btw
Me: but thank you


Right after her text pings, my phone rings.

"Hello?" I say pressing the phone to my ear. I'm sitting alone in my bed with textbooks spread around me.

"So the favor..." she says. I put her on speakerphone and place her on top of my textbook.

We've called multiple times in the last few days but for dumb reasons and only for minutes at a time. But we text almost nonstop.

"Yes?" I say skimming through a boring paragraph that will probably be important later.

"I need you to be my boyfriend..." she says. I almost choke on air.

"W-what?" I say trying to form words.

"It would just be for a few hours and I'll do whatever you want in return."

"Whatever I want?" I smirk.

"My god. Don't make it dirty." she scowls. I love it when she gets mad.

"Ok fine. But why am I doing this again?" I pick my textbook back up.

"My parents are having a party with their snobby friends and my mom pissed me off and so I just got angry and told her I did have a boyfriend when I in fact do not and now I need a fake boyfriend..." she talks at the speed of light when she gets worked up. But I understood everything that came out of her mouth.

"Don't worry bout it. I'm the perfect fake boyfriend."

"I have to go. But thank you thank you thank you. You're amazing." she kisses the phone and hangs up.

All Yours {BOOK 1 OF THE LAURIE U SERIES}Where stories live. Discover now