12| no big deal

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I hit the snooze button on my alarm and wrapped my arms tighter around a small body.

My mind registered everything. Alinas head in the crook of my neck. Her hand on my chest. My hands wrapped around her waist. Our legs tangled together.

Her breathing matched mine. Her chest pressed against mine. She stirred but didn't wake.

I had to be at practice in twenty minutes and I still needed a shower. Praying to god that she was a deep sleeper and fighting everything in me that told me I wanted, needed to stay here with her, I slid out of the bed and grabbed my stuff. I had hit the snooze button twice and didn't have time for a shower.

I ran downstairs. Caspian had cooked bacon. I stuck two pieces in my mouth and slipped my shoes on.

"Someone overslept..." Tucker said.

"Shut the hell up." I said chewing the bacon. Tucker laughed.

"Did Alina go home last night?" Tuck asked looking back down at his phone.

"No," I mumbled quietly.

"WHAT?!?" Tuck yelled spitting out his orange juice.

"I'm not cleaning that up." I said grabbing my protein shake from the fridge.

"Is she upstairs?" he said looking up the stairs like she would walk down any second.

"Yes. And if you must know we fell asleep watching a movie." It wasn't the whole truth but I didn't count it as a lie.

"Did you get any?" he said his eyebrows raised to his hairline.

"No. Quite the opposite in fact. She called me a friend."

"She friend-zoned you?" he said.

I didn't want to talk about it anymore. "We're going to be late. Let's go."

I opened the door to Hali. Hair in curlers, her makeup done, and an angry scowl on her face.

"Is Alina here?" she said.

"Yeah, upstairs but she's asleep-" she shoved past me and ran up the stairs.

"Nice to see you too!" I called as a Tucker shut the door behind us.

"Women are weird." Tucker said.


Hali's face was pressed to mine. "Oh my god!" I said jumping backwards. "You can't come in my room and wake me up like that." I said pulling the comforter up to my chest.

"That's the thing... we aren't in your room." she said. I looked around. Holy shit...

"Yeah," she said crazy-eyeing me. "You wanna tell me what your doing in Reece Adair's bedroom?"

"Fell asleep watching a movie... it's no big deal. Wait! What are you doing here?"

"I have a runway to walk and I let you borrow my dress. I'm already running late and it took me forever to track you down. You weren't answering your texts. I thought you had been kidnapped or-" If I didn't stop her she would ramble for the rest of her life.

I got to my knees and waddled to the end of the bed,
throwing my arms around her neck.

"I'm fine, Hals." she hugged me back.

"If you got salsa on my dress. I'll end your life." she whispered into my ear.

She threw me a pair of shorts and she got changed into her dress. "Good luck babes." I kissed her cheek and she left.

Not only was I in Reece's bed, I smelt like him. I was never going to shower ever again. I fell back on the bed and pulled the sweatshirt to my nose. I had class in two hours and I needed to go home.

I grabbed my phone off the bedside table and found only a million texts from Hali. I cleared them all and saw one from Reece.

Reece: Sorry to leave you but I had a hockey practice and I could miss it. I'll see you later?

I texted him back.

Me: Yeah

I stole Reece's hoodie. It was laying on my bed when I got out of the shower. I got ready for class and grabbed my bag.

Selene slid in beside me at lunch. She never actually ate, but just picked at my food.

"Hey beautiful." I said when she took my apple and stuck it in her bag.

"We have an English project and Prof. said we could team up. Wanna do all the work and I'll present it." I high-fived her and she took my fork from my hands and ate a bite of my spaghetti.

"Got to go. Love ya. See you in English." she kissed my forehead and walked out of the cafeteria.

I got a text from Reese after English.

Reece: I'll see you in History?
Me: Yeah

He had told me about his grade and he had been study a lot. In two day he had his makeup and he was freaking out.

I slid into a seat beside Reese and one seat down was Tucker.

"Hey." I said.

"Sup shawty." Tucker aid interrupting Reece.

"She was talking to me." Reece said turning away from me.

I shook my head and pulled out my notebook. "Wanna hang out tonight?" Reece said turning his attention back to me.

"I have practice. But we can do something after?"

"I'm down." Tucker said. Reece looked like he wanted to kill him and I just laughed.

"Get out of our conversation." Reece said. He turned back to me. "Ok. I'll pick you up." he said smiling.

All Yours {BOOK 1 OF THE LAURIE U SERIES}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ