2 | Sunlight, Buttercups, and All Things Yellow

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"This just seems like a really bad idea," I said, my hand on the door handle. We were standing just outside of Dr. Wrinkle's office.

"We can't back out now, the receptionist already saw us and called the doctor," Everett hissed.

"But this is really stupid." I turned to him. "Let's just go—"

The door swung open, almost banging into me.

"Sorry!" the lady exclaimed. "You must be my next appointment. Come in, come in."

She ushered us into the office before I could say anything else and gestured enthusiastically at the couch.

I looked at her dubiously as I settled myself down. Everett collapsed carelessly next to me, one leg bent inwards and the other over the arm of the couch. He draped his arm over the chair back where I sat, looking at ease.

I glanced around the little room. It was furnished in a memphis art style with brightly coloured furniture. The couch we were on had pink cushions, green armrests, and a dark purple back which was triangulated and didn't fit the seat properly. The single person couch opposite ours was similar but in three totally different colours. Tons of bookshelves with impractical storage space lined the walls, each shelf in a different colour. I had never seen so many colours in one place.

It was a bit of an eyesore.

"I like your office, it's quirky," Everett claimed.

Of course he would like it.

"Thank you." The lady smiled. "I'm Dr. Wrinkle by the way, but you can called me Holly."

She looked too young to be a legitimate therapist. Her light blonde hair was rolled into two messy donut buns, seemingly kept in place with the colour pencils stuck in them. She had clear blue eyes and a wide smile.

"Woah, the therapist is hot," Everett leaned over and whispered in my ear. "Now aren't you glad you're not here with your girlfriend."

I held in a long-suffering sigh and didn't respond.

Holly didn't hear him, taking a seat opposite us. "I know the thought of couples counseling must be scary. Especially if it's your first time."

She looked right at me as she spoke; I had a feeling she had overheard us at the door earlier.

"Yeah, this one didn't even want to come," Everett jumped in, jerking a thumb in my direction.

He seemed to be enjoying himself.

I found myself regretting this already.

"It's okay to be nervous; just showing up today is already a big step in the right direction. Let's start by introducing ourselves with some fun facts," Holly suggested.

Kill me now.

"I'll start," Everett piped up. "I like baking and I like cats, and the colour yellow; I think buttercups are really cool. And I can hold my breath for really long underwater. Oh and my name is Everett...or Evan."

"That's great Evan! I love the enthusiasm." Holly nodded her approval.

Evan. It was too basic a name for him. He was more akin to a...I don't know—a beam of sunlight or something; albeit a rather annoying beam. The kind that gets in your eye on a Saturday morning when you just want to sleep in.

"And how about you?" Holly asked, turning to me.

"Oh uh, my name is Clementine." I paused, not really having anything worthy to add.

Holly looked at me expectantly. "And...what's your favourite colour?" she probed, sounding for all the world like she was talking to a kindergartener.

I realized that I didn't really have one; I've never had one. It seems stupid to prefer a particular wavelength of light over any other. I glanced over at Everett. Sunlight streaming in from the high windows lit him from behind. It made a golden halo around his curly, black hair. I think buttercups would look nice in his hair.

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