7 | The Pain of Having an Older Sibling

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Dear Jenna....

I gripped the pencil tightly between my fingers. I had been trying to write something for the past few days, but it was turning out to be much harder than expected. I reminded myself no one ever has to see it before I continued.

We were together for the past three years. I know that seems like a long time, but I feel like I didn't even really know you.

And I don't think you really knew me either.

We had a typical high school relationship I guess. I was the quiet nerd and you were on the cheerleading team. We just started texting one day...I don't even know how it happened but then we got together.

Honestly, I think the worst part about ending things was that I lost not only you but also all my high school friends. I haven't spoken to Robyn, or Rowan, or even Alex since it happened. I know they were your friends first...but they were mine too. I guess that's why everyone always advises to date outside your friend group.

It's less messy that way.

I groaned and crumpled up the paper, tossing it into the wastepaper basket. It bounced off the edge and fell outside the target. I sighed.

My phone beeped, displaying a new message.


Oh, hey
Sorry, I didn't get a chance to reply

I winced at the lie. I had been starting at his single 'Hey' for the past three days.

Hey it's fine, don't worry about it.
I just wanted to ask if you wanna go somewhere fun.
Yk, for homework xD

Where did you have in mind?

The zoo!

Hahah that was fast xD

I wanna go see monkeys.

Just take a look in the mirror.

I can't even laugh, Clementine.

I know. I cringed while typing it.
But I didn't have the willpower to refrain.

It's okay you're forgiven.
If you come pick me up from the cafe xD

Your shift's over already? It's not even 11.

I'm gonna make a run for it.

It's like you want to get fired xD

Trust me, I do :p

Be there in 10.

See you! <3

I let myself stare at the text heart for a long time before I snapped out of it. Running a brush through my hair, I grabbed my sneakers and the car keys. My sister stopped me just as I was heading out. Her university is close by so she's usually at home, even during the semester.

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