Flashback | So Far In The Friendzone

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A/n: hey y'all! This chapter starts off current day and then segues into a flashback of chapter 10 in Everett's pov. I had a reader request for this one :D


I yawned as I put my feet up on the living room couch, letting them dangle over the arm. I had stayed up all night but I'd finally made the perfect brownies. Neatly shaped and not burned even the slightest.

They were cooling on the kitchen rack as I waited for Clementine. He wouldn't be here for a while; the sun was just coming up. But I knew if I went back to bed I'd sleep for the rest of the day.

As I watched the dawn tinted glow slowly spread over the garden, I was reminded of the first time I had sat here and impatiently awaited Clementine's arrival. It was right after our first date at the zoo—well, I think it counted as a date. I hadn't gotten much sleep that night either.

-flashback starts-

My foot was jittering where it rested atop my knee. Taking a big gulp of water, I glanced out of the window again to see Clementine still standing there. The sun glinted off his dark, chestnut brown hair. His lavender eyes flitted around nervously as he glanced at everything except the window I was clearly behind.

He had been standing on the porch for a good long while, looking like he wanted to just turn around and leave. He kept checking his watch and staring at the doorbell, as if waiting for the opportune moment to ring it. He then dug his hand into the pocket of his black skinny jeans and pulled out his phone to check the time on that as well.

I took another sip of water but it wasn't helping; my mouth was still dry and my stomach was turning somersaults.

I had good reason to be nervous.

When he dropped me home after the zoo I'd said I had a nice date with him. And he'd given me an odd look, muttering that he'll see me later. Afterwards, I'd tossed and turned all night, wondering if there's a chance he'd misunderstood. But how much clearer could I have been?

I had convinced myself by morning that Clementine wouldn't be back. But here he was, standing on my porch—still just standing there.

I stared out the window, squinting as I watched Clementine bounce on the balls of his feet. He ran a hand through his hair, disheveling it and then hurriedly combing through it again to neaten it. Momentarily, he pulled up the hood of his black, short sleeve hoodie and then just as hurriedly yanked it down again, changing his mind.

Losing my patience I strode over to the door and swung it open. "What are you doing standing out there for so long?"

"I just got here," he tried to argue. He jutted out his pointy chin in defiance, crossing his arms over his chest.

I stepped to the side, giving him space to enter. "I saw you through the window dude. Come on in," I said over my shoulder as he followed me down the hall.

"Have you decided what we're baking today," Clementine asked, flushing a little as he quickly changed the subject, "or do we have to find a good story first?"

"I already found one!" I said, deciding not to annoy him for blushing. Just this once. "I was reading all night."

"You stayed up all night reading recipe stories?"

"Er...." My eyes shifted away as I guiltily thought of the Wattpad book I was actually staying up to read. "That amongst other things. Anyway, we're making cupcakes!"

"Oh okay, I've done those before."

"We're making a hundred cupcakes," I corrected.

"Okay, I have not done that before," Clementine exclaimed, "Why a hundred?"

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