23 | Always Keep Your Phone on Silence When Sneaking Around

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"Just scale down the tree and go out the back," Everett said brightly.

I glared at him, one leg dangling off the side as I crouched on the branch.

"But make quick work of it; he'll move on to this side of the lawn soon."

"I don't exactly have much practice escaping your house," I huffed.

"You will soon," he assured me, "But I'll guide your descent for today."

"Gee, thanks."

"Step right there and grab on to that crevice." He pointed it out with his finger as I made my way down. "Oh, but you're gonna have to watch out for the shaky over branch there," he added. A moment too late. A muffled yell fell through my lips as I crashed through the last few branches and onto the ground.

Everett gasped, scrambling out of his window and onto the tree. "Clementine! Are you okay?"

I winced as I pulled myself up to my feet, brushing leaves and debris off my jeans. Nothing seemed to be broken at least.

"All good." I weakly gave him a double thumbs up.

"Who's there?" A voice called. Everett froze atop the tree as heavy footsteps thudded towards us. His father appeared, slowing down as he saw me. "Clementine?"

"Uhh hi." My voice came out in a nervous squeak and I cleared my throat to deepen it. "Good morning, sir."

"You're here early," he said in surprise, "Everett must still be sleeping. Though he's supposed to be getting ready for work." If he noticed I was in Everett's T-shirt he didn't say anything.

I kept my eyes trained on him, careful not to accidentally glance up at the tree. I could sense Everett still dangling above us, and I was praying he wouldn't do something stupid and fall on top of me.

"But I'm glad you're here," Mr. Jones continued, "I wanted to ask whether you'd be interested in taking on a small order. It's for only twenty brownies, but they need to be well-decorated. I was thinking you could add strawberries or something; whatever you think is best."

"Oh...yes, of course. Maybe a dark and white chocolate drizzle with cut strawberries?"

"Hey, you're the decorator." He grinned jovially, patting me on the back. "It is short notice though; will you be free tomorrow?"

"Yeah I am. I can come by," I agreed.

"Great!" Mr. Jones stared at me for a moment, seeming to be considering something. "You should give Everett a call before you go up."

I laughed nervously, shifting my weight between my feet. "What?"

"To let him know you're here?"

"Oh, right...yes."

"Yes, better call him." He stared at me expectantly, watching as I slowly fished the phone out of my pocket.

"I should uh, call him then," I said faintly, bobbing my phone in a pathetic gesture.

"Go right ahead," Mr. Jones said pleasantly, not moving an inch.

"Ummm...." Taking my time to dial the number, I prayed Everett had the brains to quickly switch his phone to silence. He did not. The cacophonous vocals of an irritating pop song ringtone blared directly from the tree above us.

I heard Everett softly cussing under his breath as he switched off the call and scrambled back onto the balcony. Leaves shook off in the scuffle, floating down around Mr. Jones and I. His expression was unchanging as he continued looking me directly in the eye.

I momentarily wondered whether he was hard of hearing, wincing as Everett's foot hit the balcony railing with a resounding thwack. My stomach felt like it was coming up my throat as Mr. Jones raised his eyebrows infinitesimally. One side of his mouth nearly quirked. I had never felt such fear of a parent before—mine had never really cared about rules and curfews.

"Hey...hey Clementine!" Everett finally shouted from the deck, sounding awfully out of breath. "What are you doing here?" He hung on to the railings, leaning over them as if he had just come through his bedroom window.

"Hey...uh, I just got here," I said lamely, casting my eyes up. "I forgot you were working today."

Mr Jones glanced up at his son. "You should be getting dressed," he said strictly, "Clementine said he can come over tomorrow."

"Oh, yes! Of course!" Everett said, a little too enthusiastically and still breathing too hard, "Excited to get to work, Dad."

His dad narrowed his eyes. "Are you sure about that, Son?"

"Uhuh, yeah, I always am. I er- also woke up early and came out for a breath of fresh air so I could start the day off right, you know? Of course, I never expected to see...Clementine." He waved an arm expansively. "At this bright, early hour of the day."

The idiot was babbling. 

Mr. Jones rolled his eyes. "Alright, get dressed. We're leaving in twenty." He turned to me. "Do you need a ride home, Clementine?"

"No no, I can walk," I quickly said, not really keen on being trapped in a car with him right now. "It's not that far."

"Are you sure? You can hang around and I'll drop you on the way to the cafe."

It would be much worse with Everett there too. I imagined he would say something stupid to get us both in trouble.

"It is a bit out of the way I think, but thank you for the offer."

"Alright then, I'll see you tomorrow." He smiled. "Oh, and Clementine." Mr. Jones stopped me just as I turned to walk away.

"Yes, sir?"

"Leave through the door next time."


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