Chapter sixty four: Eyes wide open

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With those words, I teleported myself back to the underworld. What on Earth was I thinking? Was I really about to rescind the declaration of war?

The gods were judging me for it. Perhaps I should take it back, but that just feels wrong. I know I started this war deep down for my friends but can I really excuse countless casualties for the same friends that are abandoning me?

It took me a while to realise I was shaking. Was I scared? I'm starting to think the whole "a reaper feels no emotion" was just a lie. I've felt so many emotions along my reaper journey. Perhaps even more, I just haven't realised what they are yet.

There is one person who I think could help me think clearly. One person who helped me feel things I'd never felt before. I really thought I didn't want them in my life, but maybe I do.

Without realising, my heart wins over my head and I'm transported to a small apartment block. One that I recognised from so long ago. I didn't even realise I was moving until I was knocking on the door, waiting desperately for the person the open it up.

'Hello?' Their voice comes from behind the door, a voice that send tingles down my spine.

'Luke?' I say, tentatively.

The door swings open and there he is. The very first boy I had ever fallen in love with.

'Raven. I didn't think you wanted to see me anymore?'

'I don't know what I want anymore.' I say, as I feel a few tears begin the trickle down my cheeks.

'Come in. We can talk if you'd like.'

'I'd like that.'

Luke moves to the side so that I can walk in. I see a small table and chairs set up in the corner and sit myself down on one, Luke sitting opposite me.

We just sit there for a few moments, avoiding eye contact. I really didn't think I'd find myself back in this situation. I really didn't think I'd ever come back to him. He opened things in my heart I wasn't sure I wanted at the time. But people change, I've changed. Maybe I do want him in my life.

After the long, awkward silence, Luke is the first to break it.

"Do you hate me Raven? I know I've done some... things you don't agree with. But I wasn't lying when I said I cared for you."

Were those the words I was longing to hear? That he did indeed care for me?

No. No they weren't. This isn't a fairytale story, dear reader. This is my life. I live not far from hell, I'm not supposed to get a happy ending. That's why my friends abandoned me after all.

Perhaps the fact that I shouldn't get my happily ever after makes me crave it all the more? Maybe once I've healed as a person, I can have a future with Luke.

For now his friendship and advice will have to suffice.

"I messed up Luke. Ally's pregnant and I threatened to kill her unborn child."

I throw my head into my hands, waiting desperately for the judgement to come dripping off his words. But it doesn't, instead I'm presented with a question.

"Why?" He stares at me in such a way that makes me feel comfortable. His eyes are open, not narrowed like how Leo was with me. He's giving me a chance to give my side, and I never thought I would be so grateful to just be heard.

"There's this stupid prophecy and if I let it come to pass, that wretched vampire king will have unimaginable power. The child will be uncontrollable. I can't let it happen, I just can't."

Luke glances out the window for a few seconds, taking in my words. When his gaze returns to mine, his eyes almost sparkle with curiosity.

"So the vampire king's the dad?"

"Well, not exactly. It's rather complicated. There is a fifty percent chance he fathered the child, but also another fifty percent chance that Callum is the father. If he is, then I have nothing to fear. But I don't like those odds."

"You could simply wait till the child is born? Or ask her to take a DNA test? I'm pretty sure those are a thing in pregnancy?"

"It might not be that simple Luke. The child is far from human after all. There's a possibility we won't know until the child is here but by then I fear it will be too late."

A single tear breaks it's way free from my eye, cascading down my cheek only to be caught by a warm, familiar touch. A touch I crave dearly.

Luke smiles at me as he dabs at my cheeks, making sure to catch any more fallen droplets.

"The way I see it Raven, is you were given an impossible situation. Whatever conclusion you were coming to, someone would be unhappy."

"So you think I was right in what I did?" I ask, hopefully.

"Not exactly. I don't think you were wrong to react in the way you did. And I hold the same reasoning with Ally. Of course she's bound to be upset, it's her child. But perhaps there is another way to solve this. Maybe you two need to have a conversation with no outsiders. Just simply you two to explain your side and to give Ally a chance to give hers. You never know, you might even come to an agreement together."

And just like that, the mortal boy I had fallen in love with has once again solved all my problems. Of course! I wasn't thinking straight when I first proposed the solution, I hadn't thought it all out.

Perhaps there is another way to fix things! I can get my friends back after all, and maybe no killing will be involved.

Without uttering another word, I jump out of my seat and give Luke a kiss on the cheek.

"I knew I was right to come here."

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