Chapter forty three: control the curse

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Questions bubble through my head, and the certainty of ever trusting someone again is very slim. Father knew who the wielder was. Why wouldn't he tell me? Then again, he doesn't exactly know his grandchild is the current wielder. Shame that he's left out the loop. What kind of person wouldn't reveal valuable information such as that?

I turn to Blake and watch Edward open and close his palms. The palms that hold the ability to kill. What I don't understand is why Blake is coming to me for a solution when the previous wielder appears to have been stopped by father.

"Why come to me brother? You already know father stopped the last curse. What makes you think I can help?" I ask, looking into his distressed cerise eyes.

"You think I can just waltz right up to dad and say 'hey, I didn't tell you about my son but guess what he's cursed! Can you fix it?' he'd be happy to oblige?"

"Well why tango over to me when you kept the secret of your son from me too" I say, rolling my eyes at him.

"Come on Raven, are you still mad at me?"

"What makes you think I wasn't?"

"I don't know the fact that when you left, you seemed awfully friendly with me" Blake says, the fire igniting itself inside him.

"So I'm bipolar, are you shocked?"

"Raven please, the gods want to kill him" Blake says, his rough tone softening.

"If there's a magical crystal that stops his powers, why not ask one of them to produce it?"

"Because the god of death is the only one that can produce them! Don't you understand? He placed it in the wielders soul. No other God can do that!"

"What and you think I can?"

"It's worth a shot, you have black magic in your veins after all"

Blake's words make me freeze. I turn to him. I hadn't told him about my black magic. I pulled the enchantment down and back up when he wasn't looking. He knows?
Blake looks at me, confused to my silence.

"You knew?" Is all I manage to spit out in a low breath.

"Knew what?" Blake asks, irritated.

"You knew about my heritage!" I seethe out, whipping my head in his direction.


"You knew and you didn't think to tell me?! Did everyone know apart from me!" I say, the feeling of betrayal engulfing me.

"Raven dad only told me because he was concerned about you. He didn't want the world to know you are possibly the most powerful Demi God in the world, and by keeping it a secret he had to keep it from you" Blake says calmly, alarmed at my sudden state.

"Leave" I grit out, turning my back to him.

"But Raven I-"

"Find someone else to experiment with! I'm not helping you!"

"Raven please!"

"Why won't you leave? Why must you torture me, reminding me that I can't trust anyone" I say in a quiet sob.

"Raven you can trust me, you know you can"

"Can I? You knew who I was before even I knew. You kept your son from me. Can I trust you Blake?"

"It was a mistake ok. I should have told you about Eddie"

"But you didn't. So let me make a deal with you" I say, turning back to face him, no longer showing how hurt I am.

"Raven it doesn't have to be like this"

"If I provide your son a way to keep the curse concealed, you must leave me for eternity"

"Raven please don't do this"

"Blake you have shrivelled up any trust I had left for you. At the moment, I trust your son more than you. He has yet to hurt me, and if he's anything like his father, that trust won't last long. I'd accept my offer if I was you" I say bluntly, wanting him to leave my presence forever.

"Raven please, I can't leave you for eternity. You're my sister!"

"That didn't seem to bother you two years ago when I was left alone"

"Raven you know why I left"

"That doesn't justify your actions Blake. Now I need to think of a way to stop your son from killing" I say, irritation laced in my voice.

"Then maybe this can help" Blake says, setting his son down on the bed and making his way over to me with a small red leather book in his hand.

"What's that?"

"Crowe's spell book"

Once those words escape his mouth, the book goes flying across the room, crashing against the wall and landing with a thump on the ground.

"I'm not using anything belonging to her" I practically spit out. First he betrays me, second he has the dignity to come crawling back begging for my help and finally, he brings me an item belonging to a monster expecting me to use it.

"Raven please. There's a spell in there that can conceal the curse"

"Why not go running into mummy's arms if you're that desperate" I say through gritted teeth, slamming my hands on my dressing table, causing Edward to stir on the spot.

"It's not like that Raven. Besides, only you can cast the spell"

"You know what this all sounds like? It sounds like my dumb older brother is trying to use me!"

"Raven come on, you know that's not it"

"You know what, fine I'll cast your silly little spell. But after that I owe you nothing and I never want to see your face again" I say, clicking my fingers causing the book to return to my hands. I flip through the pages until I finally stop on the spell called 'gloved power'.
Reading through the spell, I realise that all I have to do is create these black leather gloves that have the power to stop Edward using the curse. The only condition is once the gloves are removed, the curse is returned.

Looking back over the page, I begin to chant the words written on the brown tinted paper.
"Thou who is born with the curse of death must conceal thy's benevolent evil power inside to avoid others from harm. With these words, I declare that gloves will be placed to stop a crisis emerging and save mortal life for eternity"

A strange feeling rises inside me, causing me to collapse to the floor. The black magic emerges deep from inside me, granting the wish I have spoken. After the feeling of exhaustion is cast over me, a pair of black leather gloves appear in my hands.

Dragging myself up, I walk over to my nephew and place the gloves on his small hands. The gloves immediately mould to his palms and fit almost like a second skin. The gloves will grow as he does, allowing him the power to conceal his evil.

"My one condition is this. The gloves must never be removed. If they are, I will not hesitate to kill him, balance or not" I say, not caring anymore about the ties of the balance. If father found a way to stop the balance from falling once, he can do it again.

"Raven we can't end like this" Blake begs, making his way towards me.

"Take your son and leave. I've done my part, now you just do yours"

"I never agreed to this Raven"

"You don't have a choice, I've asked you to leave now do it!" I yell, pulling the enchantment down allowing him to leave. Blake takes one last look at me before taking his son and leaving. I place the enchantment back up and fall down onto my bed.

Once again, I am left alone to my thoughts, with no one to bother me and certainly no sibling problems should occur out of this. I'm free from the burden Blake held against me. I'm free from the betrayal he brought. Now only one thing is left.


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