Chapter thirty one: Native country

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"Is there anything you would like to suggest for training before you leave?" Cora asks as she walks Leo and I outside.

"Not at all, you're doing a great job Cora just focus on eliminating as many vampires as possible, those siding with the King anyway" I say, thinking of the innocent vampires that may be affected.

"I've also got a quick question" she says, stopping in her tracks and turning around to face me.
"I believe this war is gods against supernatural yet won't you have supernatural beings siding with you?" She asks in a small voice.

"It's true the war is against supernaturals however the whole supernatural race is not all guilty. Those that wish to stop the vampire King have contacted me and chosen to side with me which is why I must got to more regions to review the training. Right now the coastal region is doing a fantastic job and no guidance is needed. I'll keep in contact and make regular visits. Until our next meeting, I bid you goodbye" I say, summoning my ruby scythe along side me.

"Rave what about my baby!" Leo cries, pointing to his car with the boy we met earlier alongside it.

"Keep the car, we don't need it" I tell the boy named Mason. His eyes light up as I say this and he smiles in appreciation, waving goodbye to us as I swirl my scythe in the air, transporting us to the native country.

Soon we come surrounded by tall trees, blocking out the burning sunlight. The creatures within the island decide to stay hidden as we walk by. The soil beneath us makes a small squelch sound as we walk along.
The sound stops as we reach hardened mud forming a path created by the local native tribe.

The tribe living on this island are descendants from the moon goddess. They call themselves 'The Eternal Moon Tribe'. In fact, they are all werewolves. However, their chief is the person I aim to talk to. I'm looking for a certain native God who I believe has the power of a great warrior that wild help aid us in battle.

I'm looking for Ahayuta-Achi. The native God of war. Ahayuta and Achi were once brothers, the twin gods of war. No one truly knows what happened to Achi but his brother Ahayuta became a great warrior, becoming the native God of war. He adopted his brothers name so he wasn't forgotten and now I must seek out his guidance in the war.

"Bit creepy don't you think?" Leo says, watching a strange bug wiggle it's way in front of him, deathly pincers pointed right at him.

"You're telling me the son of Satan can't handle an incy wincy bug?" I ask, raising my eyebrow at him.

"N-not at a-all it's just-" Leo begins to stutter before I interrupt him.

"You're not going to die Leo, you're a demon after all" I say, rolling my eyes.

"Oh right yea, yea I am!"

"Welcome back captain.." I say sarcastically as I march on towards the tribes camp.
Soon, smoke emerges from the branches revealing the tribe.

Tents made out of different types of cloth are set up around a smouldering fire, letting off a thick black smoke.

Most of the tribe are dressed in animal fur due to their hunting skills.
None of the tribe seem to bother me which I highly appreciate. They simply nod in recognition of my arrival.

"Who we looking for again?" Leo asks as his own eyes scan the place.

"The chief" I say, marching straight towards the biggest tent of all.
Swiftly, I pull back the beaded door and before me the chief was sat among many fur skins.
His long chocolate brown hair was braided behind his back, reaching the floor.

"Raven Reaper" the chief says, his dark brown eyes meeting mine.

"Chief, where's the native God of war?" I ask, getting straight to the point.

"He wishes to not be found. War causes peril and destruction. You, the Demi God of death will bring more peril to this world than you know!" He says, pointing a finger at me. Scoffing at his preposterous statement, I cross my arms over my chest.

"Chief let's not talk nonsense. Tell me where he is" I demand, taking a step towards him.

"You are but a child Raven. One blessed with incredible power. There is beauty in it but also a great evil. Taking the lives of the living is not a game my child" he says in a stern tone.

"I am no child!" I beam, daring him to retaliate. To my surprise, he does.

"No adult would start a war over a childish King. No adult would endanger the lives of many people. No adult would destroy the bond between the races. That is exactly what will happen if this war comes to pass!" The chef bellows, standing up and giving me a piercing glare.

"I had no other choice. The saviour has arrived, the king threatened her life more than on one occasion"

"And you could have chosen many paths. Paths that would lead you to glory. Yet the path you have chosen leads to destruction. Listen to me Raven. If you do not win this war, vampires will never be the same again. But if you do succeed. The respect built up towards the vampires will be shattered. People will fear them more than ever and it is your job to fix this" the chief bellows once more.

Speechless, I stand there frozen. Was the chief right? Am I doing the wrong thing? But Cora foretold a war will pass, the future cannot be changed! Once the fates decide what will happen, it can never be changed. Their decision is final.
"Then what can I do to fix it" I say in a voice so small, I'm shocked the chief could even hear it.

"A bond between good and evil will fix this. A love so strong that it's impossible to break. A love between a deceitful heart and a pure one. Only when this love blooms will the bond between races be healed once again. Win this war Raven, then heal the bond. Only then will you become a great leader" the chief says, looking at me with desperation.

"That's why I need Ahayuta-"

"Ahayuta-Achi will not aid you. He has chosen to take no part in this war. You may leave now. There is nothing here you need" the chief says, turning his back to me.
I stand still, thinking over the Chiefs words. A love so powerful that it's impossible to break? A love between good and evil. A love with a deceitful heart and a pure one. Who on earth could he be talking about?

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