Chapter twenty eight: sibling troubles

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Leo returns to the car after leaving Luke in Ally's capable hands. He buckles himself back up, which I decide to bring to his attention considering he's immortal.
"Why do you put that thin piece of material over you?" I ask, referring to the seat belt.

"It makes me feel more human I guess" he says, shrugging. Sighing, I rest my head back against the seat.

"We're far from human Leo" I say, closing my eyes.

"You're telling me" he mutters as he begins to drive.
Sitting back up, I look out the window once again. I examine my surroundings closely, each tree and blade of grass. Everything seems so peaceful compared to the underworld. It's not silent here. The sound of the wind rushing through the trees, it's rather refreshing. This has to be what true peace is. In the underworld everything is just....silent. It's so silent it's sinister. The type of silence you don't want to happen. It's the sound of death. Even though the souls roam endlessly across the plains of death, they never seem to know where they are. That's why I was shocked to find Callum roaming around but seeming conscious. That only happens if it's a forced death. He wasn't supposed to die. Now that I think of it, who transported his soul to the underworld? He wouldn't have been able to enter without a reaper by his side. Are one of my fathers reapers working against us and with Adam?
Just as I was spacing out, something catches by eye through the trees. A pair of cerise eyes glaring back at me. I'm certain it wasn't a vampire. Deciding to divert my attention from it, I turn to Leo.

"Someones working against me" I say, looking at his face for a reaction. He keeps his eyes focused on the road but his expression grows serious.

"Any leads?" He asks me, looking at the road. Sighing I shake my head.

"I don't know anyone who would work against me" I say honestly, as I lean back in my seat.

"Do you think it could be Blake?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. I sit up for a moment. I don't know whether Blake betrayed me twice or not, I can't even trust him anymore.

"It could be" I say eventually. I look back out the window. Is it possible that my brother is on King Adams side? Father picked his name because it represented the darkness. Blake is certainly dark, he's always doing things for his own selfish needs.
All of a sudden, my head slams against the back of the seat as the car comes to jolt. My vision becomes blurry as pain erupts inside my head. Ironic isn't it? I have eternal life but I can feel pain.

"Raven are you ok?" I hear Leo say next to me. I nod my head as my vision eventually becomes clear and I can finally see why Leo stopped the car. The same pair of cerise eyes I spotted earlier were staring right through me. Blake was standing a couple feet in front of the car with his scythe at his side.

"I'm fine but he won't be" I say in a low tone as I step out of the car. I slam the metal door behind me as I march may way over to him. I stand a few inches in front of him and glare right into his eyes. I hear the sound of a car door close behind me and realise Leo has gotten out of the car.

"Raven" Blake says, remaining emotionless.

"Blake" I say, sneering at him. He tilts his head back in amusement and opens his mouth ready to say something until he is interrupted by Leo.

"What the hell are you doing here!" Leo beams as he stands alongside me.

"Hell. Now that's interesting coming from you isn't it Leonardo?" Blake answers cockily.

"Don't call me by that name" he snarls out. I place my hand up to silence him so I can speak.

"Answer the question brother, why are you here?" I say in a sinisterly low tone.

"I believe you freed me from the spell I was under by that witch" he says, looking into my eyes. Crossing my arms over my chest, I nod.

"Only idiots get trapped under a spell" I practically spit out as I glare at him.

"Why are you still mad?" He asks, raising an eyebrow in my direction.

"Did you actually just ask that?" Leo says, letting out a low chuckle.
"Man you are stupid" he says, his eyes now glowing a vibrant amber.

"Oh I'm the stupid one?" Blake says, rolling his eyes. I glare at him as he does this. Leo takes a step towards him but I grip onto his shoulder. His eyes stop flowing for a moment as he looks at me with confusion. I just shake my head to imply I don't want him to get involved. He nods and takes a step back instead, his eyes gaining their glow back as he glares at Blake along side me.

"Yes, you are the stupid one" I say, looking into his cerise eyes. I don't want to stand in front of him anymore, I can't stand even being near him. I swiftly turn around, grabbing Leo's wrist as I begin to walk back towards the metal death trap of a car.

"So what you're just going to leave?" Blake says behind me. I stop for a moment and turn to face him one more time.

"Yes. Yes I am just going to leave. There are people who actually value my presence and at the moment I value those people more than you. They chose me. They never left me. Importantly, they will never abandon me like you did, not even for a day never mind two years. I don't want to see you ever again, what you have done is unforgivable. Goodbye Blake"

I say, finally walking to the car and getting in.
Once Leo was sitting in the drivers seat, I click my fingers so that a black smoke consumes the car ready to transport us to the coastal region.
The last thing I saw was the look of sorrow in Blake's eyes and for once, I didn't care.

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