The Valet

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Lonnie was beside herself. The Queen sounded serious about this one. There was a certainty to her voice, a stubbonness. She would not let this one go until she was good and ready; whenever that was was on the Queen's whim. All Lonnie could do was carry out orders and try to remind her that she had a nation to run.

She detested puppy love.

She was going to have to educate this one. This girl wasn't some fleeting affair with a noble woman who knew both protocol and her place. This was an unknown, a savage even, oblivious to the ways of Court—and headed straight for it, if the Queen got her way, and she always did.

Lonnie needed to prepare. There were orders to give first, but she also needed to make a list of all things she needed to teach this little savage in order to make her ready for the life of the civilized maiden.

First, though, the Queen was right. A tailor would be needed. Even if Lonnie disliked the idea of bringing along a stray, the stray could not be seen outfitted plainly. It looked poorly upon the Queen.

Protocol lessons. That was next. But Lonnie wanted to give those herself.

She sighed. Her wife was going to have a fit with all of this extra time out into her schedule. She'd be late to a few dinners.

The Queen's Girlजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें