The Queen's Suite

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Lonnie spoke long with the Mistress of the Household the following morning, and learned of Kal's plan. It made her smile. She approved of this little dance with danger. Anything to throw Princess Yulia off the scent.

She brought her wife to the palace again to help train Kal in more graceful movement. This was imperative; Sage also knew the manners of a lady of noble birth, as a noblewoman herself. She could shine up that tarnished silver if anyone could.

In the meantime, Lonnie helped Finnula make plans. It was always something to plan a ball, and Lonnie did enjoy the monotony of it. The Queen herself was inspired to do something bigger, better than before, to debut Kal with.

When lunch came, Sage noticed how mindful Kal was with the staff. She was polite, and knew every name, and thanked every effort. One maid gently told her she did not have to thank her every time she handed her a cup of tea, and Kal said, startled, "Yes, I do!"

The Queen hid a smile at this.

Sage watched Kal eat. She ate hesitantly, and yet when she picked a dish with her meticulously learned mannerisms, she consumed the food as though it would disappear. It was one habit Lonnie was trying vainly to break her of.

Sage said to Lonnie in her native language, "Step back from admonishing her. She knew hunger. She will have to unlearn hunger."

Lonnie looked at her wife, and then nodded, and stepped back. She wouldn't trouble Kal about her speed eating. For now. She stood near her wife and wrapped an arm around her waist. "You are correct, as usual."

"Of course I am!" Sage said brightly.

After lunch, Kal had another lesson, but this time it was based in books. Lonnie discovered that Kal could read voraciously, and made an order for a maid to bring a book cart every day with new titles from the palace library. The Queen heartily agreed with this decision, and ordered a space in her suite to be made for Kal to curl up and cozy up to read in.

Kal couldn't believe anyone would be so kind to her, still. It was still such an odd feeling.

In the late afternoon, Lonnie and Sage took their leave. Lonnie needed to submit state paperwork and meet with advisors, and Sage walked to the kitchen for a picnic basket to take to the lush palace gardens.

The Queen smiled at Kal from across the room. She was seated at her desk. In a sly move, she slid one shoulder out of her dress, than the other.

Kal got up and ran to her, beaming, and when she reached her, she knelt before her Queen in supplication and tugged down her dress. She lovingly pulled out each breast, and lavished love upon her pert nipples. She lived to worship these perfect orbs. She kissed each breast, sucked on each nipple, and then Kal was suddenly ravenous.

She placed both hands on the Queen's legs beneath her skirts, and with a mischievous look, Kal ducked beneath her dress.

"Oh, Kal," the Queen murmured, feeling the other woman part her thighs with gentle hands. When those hot kisses met her center, she drew in a sharp breath of pleasure, and held Kal's head in against her. She couldn't help but grind in against her, and the muffled moan that came from Kal made Finnula shudder in pleasure.

The Queen couldn't help but think the most perverted thoughts. She wanted Kal to do this to her whilst she worked at her public desk in court. She wanted to let Kal massage her where anyone could see and no one could do a thing about it. She smiled. She'd tell Kal about these dirty fantasies later.

For now, she murmured, "Keep going, sweet Kal. I want to enjoy your tongue on me for an exquisitely long time."

Kal refused to stop. She adored the taste of her Queen, such a carnal, salty sensation. She loved the shape of her clit in her mouth, suckling it worshipfully. She adored sliding her tongue between her Queen's folds, thrusting into her as deep as she could go. She pumped her with two fingers as she suckled her clit, and when the Queen came, Kal slurped up every last bit of her juices.

She refused to leave her spot. Instead, she settled herself between the Queen's legs and lovingly suckled her clit, lewd slurping noises occasionally coming from the layers of skirts.

Finnula smiled, sighing. She lay back in her chair, shuddering, and cradled the shape of Kal's head in her skirts. "Stay right there," she ordered.

The Queen leaned over the desk, grabbed state paperwork, and began working diligently on the leftover pile Lonnie had left her. She would let Kal up when work was finished.

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