The Queen

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Finnula watched a tailor take Kal's measurements with a bemused smile. It was adorable, seeing her on a little stool, dressed in just knickers and chemise. She looked confused but was being a terribly good sport, and followed all of the tailor's directions.

The tailor was one of those brilliant types who had an established business in procuring fine fabrics in exquisite patterns. No other kind would do. The Queen needed the care of an expert, because clothes were needed quickly.

"I've never had clothes of my own like this," Kal told the Queen.

Finnula smiled. "This is just a start," she promised. "I will outfit you even more splendidly once we reach the city. But I cannot have you enter the city by my side without looking well-arrayed. Especially as my girl."

"Keep calling me that and I will never stop blushing," Kal replied with a grin, holding up her arms as the tailor stretched his tape out.

Finnula beamed at her. "My girl you are," she said, in a territorial manner, a stubborn possessiveness in her tone. "I will suffer no one to treat you poorly. Which is why I still need the names of those who harmed you."

Kal sighed. "You're not going to let that go, are you?"

"Like a hound with a scent," Finnula replied, smiling. "Allow me the pleasure of delivering justice as the very arbiter of that justice."

Kal said finally, "I'll point them out to you. Can I do that?"

"Yes. That is acceptable." Finnula sat down at a tea table, where a maid had brought in a tray for two. Snacks, the finest which could be made, and tea, a blossom tea with a spectacular scent. Once the tailor had taken his measurements, he bowed respectfully out, and Kal hopped off the stool. "Come," Finnula said. "Sit."

Kal obeyed, and shared tea with Finnula, and the Queen loved to watch her marvel over the snacks like they were jewels. "I don't want to eat them!" She said brightly. "They're too pretty!"

Finnula laughed. "Eat up, my sweet thief."

"Will—will I eat like this every day?"

The Queen reached out and squeezed her hand. "Darling, I will feed you on the best rhe kingdom has to offer. I will make certain you never feel hunger again."

Kal blushed, and Finnula squeezed her hand once more, longer this time, meaningfully.

"I don't know how to repay all this kindness," Kal said softly.

"Keep me company," Finnula replied, in just as soft and tender of a tone. "It is all that I ask. A Queen shows her gratefulness.

Kal looked up at her. "What if—what if you grow tired of me?"

Finnula leveled her gaze. "Hear me now. If I have chosen you as my girl, I don't intend to let you leave without titles and land. At the very least. You will not be thrown out with nothing."

"I don't care about all that," Kal said suddenly, sitting up. "I just please you."

Finnula smiled. "You do please me. I have a feeling you'll please me even more."

Kal squeezed the Queen's hand this time. "Every day."

It was Finnula's turn to blush. She got up, approached Kal, and gave her the softest forehead kiss. "I see that what's most important to you is presence. Am I correct?"

Kal could only nod, wordless, meek.

"It just so happens to be what I desperately need. And I crave presence. Your presence is delightful and fun and I want to continue experiencing it."

"My Queen, I don't want to stop experiencing you. I can tell you have secrets up your sleeve, and I intend to find them all out."

"It may take you a while."

"I have time, patience, and fiery desire."

"This is why I want you by my side, Kalati. You are unafraid to speak, you are passionate, and you are precious. A treasure to be found in the rough."

"Finnula stop, I can't get any redder!"

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