The Royal Carriage

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Travel was long and often bumpy, but the Royal Carriage was as fancy as it got. Eventually Lonnie had to give her horse a rest, so she joined the Queen and Kal in the carriage. They were cuddling tightly when she climbed in. Lonnie had a leather portfolio full of work for the Queen to go through.

The Queen sighed. "Work always awaits," she said. "What shall we begin with?"

Lonnie opened the portfolio and shuffled the state paperwork.

They worked together on preparing for the coming week at court, and Kal sat back to let them. She took the time to look through the window at the passing countryside. The sights were lovely. The Royal Carriage followed the Queen's Road, which passed by such splendid places as rushing rivers, farmland full of waving sunflowers, and trees that lined the avenue were ancient and well-kept. Statues lined the Road, and Kal studied each one. Royals and folk of legend were favorite subjects. Kal realized that she was seeing the sights saved specifically for the Queen, her ancestors, and any descendants she would have. Kal did not think much on that final fact, because it required her to think about a coupling that made her anxiety rise in a terrible way.

Best not to think on such matters.

She shook her head and realized that Lonnie and the Queen had finished their business. Lonnie was speaking, shutting her leather valise. "Yes, Ma'am. I am looking forward to seeing my wife and having a day to ourselves."

The Queen tsked. "I have stolen you for months, and she has shared you with me graciously. Allow me to reward you both with much more than just a day, please?"

Kal perked. "Lonnie? I didn't know you were married."

Lonnie nodded. The smile on her face was genuine. "I am. She is a portrait of patience and grace."

"Don't make me cry. Wait—does she know about you and—"

"Of course she does," Lonnie said. "I was aiding the Queen before we met, and she knew that it was part of my duties until the Queen found a suitable partner of her own."

Kal blinked.

"Marriage isn't always so simple, dear Kal," said the Queen. "I married them myself, personally."

Lonnie added, "It was a huge honor, and we are blessed by the Crown."

"The Crown shows its gratefulness. Most especially to you, my patient Valet." The Queen smiled mischievously. "I will bet fifty gold coins that Sage is going to be so happy to see the end of me."

Lonnie was extremely professional. "Sage holds you in the highest respect, Your Majesty."

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