⟣Chapter 74

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Wen Qingling had been hiding in the base for two days, hoping that the “Undead” would fall into the trap on their own. Unfortunately, as long as he stayed in the base, the “Undead” wouldn’t take any action. Wen Qingling started to suspect if there were eyes watching him, otherwise, how did the other party know his whereabouts?

This couldn’t go on. Wen Qingling decided to try the “lure the snake out of its hole” strategy once again.

Before leaving, he repeatedly instructed, “Try to keep them alive. I need clues.”

If the source of the infection wasn’t eliminated, it would be like cutting endless weeds without patience.

His parents had experience dealing with the Undead and immediately assured him, patting their chests, “Don’t worry, we can handle those low-level evolved zombies. Leave it to us.”

Wen Qingling arranged everything in the base and left with peace of mind. He decided to visit Rong City, have a conversation with the little zombie girl about ideals and development, and let the zombie people have a sense of security so that they would come and cause trouble without worry.

The current clue he had was that the Undead wanted to steal blood anemones. Since their goal hadn’t been achieved, they would surely come back to create chaos.

Wen Qingling guessed it right. Just after he left Ling City in the morning, the elusive Undead appeared once again. This time, their numbers were larger, rushing into Ling City from four directions, converging toward the civilized base.

Jiang Lan, Wen Zheng, the sisters, and the blood corpse were all lurking near the base, ready to execute Wen Qingling’s command: capture them alive.

However, they waited and waited, and it had already been an hour since they received the report, but there was still no sign of the Undead. They were said to be fast and agile, even if they had short legs and jumped low, they should have arrived here after such a long time, right?

Jiang Lan was perplexed. “Could they have gotten lost?”

They had been lurking for the entire morning, waiting for their prey to take the bait. But where was the prey?

Wen Zheng said firmly, “It’s impossible for them to be so useless that they can’t even find their way. How can they carry out an ambush?”

Without saying a word, the blood corpse had already left the hiding place. “I’ll go check.”

Jiang Lan lowered his voice and shouted at him, “Come back, don’t alert the enemy!”

Of course, the blood corpse wouldn’t come back. He wasn’t a zombie that followed orders, except for Wen Qingling, no one could suppress him. However, not long after the blood corpse left, he came running back hastily. “It’s over, it’s over! All the Undead are dead.”

Everyone was shocked. They stopped hiding and gathered around. “What happened?”

The blood corpse gestured. “They’re all dead.”

The sisters looked at him suspiciously. “Did you kill them all?”

The blood corpse: “…”

Was he really worth suspecting like that?

Wen Zheng said, “He doesn’t have the ability to wipe them all out in one strike.”

The blood corpse: “…”

Thank you for speaking up and proving my innocence.

The group hurriedly rushed to the place where they found the bodies of the Undead. The scene was chaotic, with bodies scattered everywhere. It seemed like there had been a fierce fight, with many of the Undead bodies incomplete, as if they had been eaten by something.

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