⟣Chapter 143

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TL: Moonlit

The evacuating survivor group consisted mostly of pedestrians. Despite running non-stop, their speed was still no match for regular zombies. To compare their speed with evolved zombies would be an absolute defeat. And as for comparing their speed with giant zombies, it goes without saying that they had no chance at all. A giant zombie could cover the distance in a single step that would take a survivor half a day to run. Not to mention the man and the young boy who was already being chased by the zombies.

As the sound of the approaching horde grew louder, more and more zombies caught up with them. Everyone panicked. The survivors who had vehicles couldnt wait any longer. They didnt want to stay behind and die with the others. After the first vehicle broke out from the convoy and quickly sped away, more private cars followed suit and left on their own.

The armored vehicles and armed helicopters at the rear had already started fighting. The number of zombies was overwhelming, like a flood that kept surging forward. For every wave that was annihilated, another immediately filled the gap. It was an endless slaughter.

The armed helicopters strafed and bombed the oncoming horde of zombies from the air. The front of the group mainly consisted of evolved zombies, whose strength was formidable. In one-on-one combat, a soldier was not necessarily able to defeat an evolved zombie. These evolved zombies moved like monkeys, leaping and dodging amidst the barrage of bullets.

The survivors near the back of the group were in chaos. Everyone screamed and pushed forward, fearing being left behind and devoured. The lighting was dim, and there were too many survivors. They all rushed forward, causing many to fall. It was like a domino effect, one person falling and causing others to fall as well.

No matter how the soldiers at the outer perimeter shouted through loudspeakers, it was futile. Everything was in chaos. At this critical moment of life and death, everyone wanted to survive. Fear-stricken survivors broke through the outer perimeter and clung to military vehicles. They wanted to seize the vehicles; they didnt want to die there. They wanted to leave as quickly as possible.

Several soldiers guarding the outer perimeter were trampled and trampled upon by the crowd. No one cared whether the fallen soldiers were dead or alive; they only wanted to grab the vehicles. They wanted to leave immediately; they couldnt afford to wait for even a moment.

Xiao Jiang, Mo Jiang, and Lei Jiangs vehicles were constantly moving back and forth within the group, monitoring the situation. The front of the survivor convoy was already out of control. Most of the vehicles had abandoned the main group and fled on their own. Chaos reigned in the front, and the chaos quickly spread to the rear.

The three military vehicles rushed to the scene and witnessed the chaos. It infuriated them to the core. Lei Jiang had a volatile temper and immediately shot dead several survivors clinging to the doors of military vehicles and attacking the soldiers inside.

Xiao Jiang immediately gave the order, Everyone, listen up! Shoot anyone attempting to seize the vehicles!

Yes, sir!

The military vehicles were filled with children and exhausted survivors. If they allowed those people to seize the vehicles, it was certain that the children inside wouldnt survive. Those crazed survivors would definitely discard the children and climb inside themselves.

Upon receiving the order, gunshots rang out one after another. All the survivors clinging to the military vehicles were shot down.

Witnessing soldiers daring to open fire on those trying to protect the survivors, many people began to cry and curse loudly.

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