⟣Chapter 79

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Wen Qingling said, “Good things should be shared with others. It’s not a good habit to be selfish.”

Xiong Shu became excited and exclaimed, “Yeah, let’s go and snatch it!”

Wen Qingling clicked his tongue and said, “What are you talking about, snatching? Is that something civilized people would do? We should reason with them. We are all civilized people, and we should be able to communicate.”

Xiong Shu replied with confusion, “?”

Xiong Shu was filled with question marks in his mind. Looking at the others, he could see that they were all wearing different expressions. It seemed that he wasn’t the only one confused.

After a moment, Xiong Shu hesitantly asked, “So, should we go and reason with them?”

Wen Qingling nodded and said, “Yes, reason with them.”

Ji Rong murmured softly, “I can’t believe that Dr. Wen can reason with people. I find it hard to believe.”

He Lin and Shi Chong nodded in agreement. They didn’t believe it either.

Xiao Hen looked at Wen Qingling’s serious expression and was surprised to see that he genuinely wanted to reason with them. However, he wasn’t sure if his reasoning would be effective.

Wen Qingling took a step forward and headed towards the others with Xiong Shu to reason with them.

Chang Boheng and Wen Chu exchanged a glance, understanding each other’s thoughts. Wen Chu said, “You go with them, I’ll stay at the base.”

Chang Boheng agreed, “Alright, be careful.”

Chang Boheng took a few people and quickly caught up with Wen Qingling and the others, saying, “Take us with you, so we can help if things turn violent.”

Although it might not be necessary, having more people would at least have a deterrent effect.

Wen Qingling didn’t refuse their request. If they wanted to follow, then let them follow.

Several vehicles drove out of Xiang County Base. Chang Boheng, upon Xiao Hen’s invitation, sat in the off-road vehicle with Wen Qingling.

Since their time at Ling City Base, Chang Boheng had wanted to establish a good relationship with Wen Qingling. However, Wen Qingling seemed emotionless, like a machine without feelings, making it difficult for Chang Boheng to approach him. Now, Wen Qingling seemed to have softened a bit compared to before, possibly due to his interactions with Xiao Hen and the others. He seemed to have gained a bit of humanity, although he still maintained his cold demeanor.

Wen Qingling remained silent throughout the journey, while Xiao Hen and Chang Boheng engaged in conversation. Chang Boheng had been invited into the car by Xiao Hen, so he suspected that Xiao Hen wanted to discuss something with him. Chang Boheng asked about the basic situation in Xiang County, with a particular focus on the number of independent organizations and whether Chang Boheng had considered unifying Xiang County.

Xiao Hen’s words struck a chord with Chang Boheng. Although he had brought a considerable number of people with him to Xiang County, they were newcomers who couldn’t act freely. They were always restricted in their actions. Now, with Wen Qingling and the civilization base as their support, it was time to prioritize the plan to unify Xiang County.

Xiao Hen understood that no matter how large the force, there could only be one leader. Otherwise, they would end up like Central Mega City, where the seven generals gathered, and every decision had to be discussed and voted upon. There would be various internal conflicts and power struggles, which would inevitably lead to problems over time.

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