⟣Chapter 81

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Miao Bo disregarded the obstacles and walked straight over. The others could only follow quickly, all on high alert and ready to fight at any moment.

Seeing that Miao Bo personally came, the four captives shouted for him to go back and gather more people for revenge.

Wen Qingling was annoyed by their shouting, “Aren’t you afraid of attracting a horde of zombies? Should I send you into the zombie horde to wake up your brains?”

“Doctor Wen, let me handle this. Don’t trouble them,” Miao Bo stopped in his tracks. At this moment, he was only a dozen steps away from where Wen Qingling was sitting on the roof of the off-road vehicle.

Wen Qingling sat cross-legged on the roof, saying, “I’m afraid it’s not possible. We are reasonable people. We came here to reason with you in the first place. But before we even reached the base, someone wanted to harm us. Do you think a ‘Grotesque’ can take us down?”

Miao Bo inwardly mocked himself. If he had known it was them who were coming, there would have been no need for this setup. He would have personally come to talk to Wen Qingling. It was indeed their design that came first, and it wasn’t entirely justifiable, but…

“Doctor Wen, don’t take offense. This is just one of our defensive measures. After all, we’re guarding a granary. We have to be cautious about everything,” Miao Bo said. “As you’ve said, a ‘Grotesque’ poses no threat to you. But it’s true that our design was not honorable, yet it was in response to your enmity. We are retaliating.”

Wen Qingling pondered, “So you’re saying we were in the wrong?”

Miao Bo replied, “Whether you’re right or wrong, Doctor Wen, you can judge for yourself. Your people were sneaking around in Yue County and were expelled by our base’s personnel. Then someone released the corpse wolves to attack us. The injured and infected individuals are still lying in our base. Now that we see you again, isn’t it fair for us to seek revenge?”

Wen Qingling contemplated, “It sounds reasonable.”

Xiong Shu shouted loudly, “Nonsense! You heartless people want us to die in Yue County? Should I wait to be killed without fighting back?”

Wen Qingling nodded, “Xiong Shu is right. Is the Yue County base considering tyranny as righteousness?”

Miao Bo forced a bitter smile, “Doctor Wen, is there any misunderstanding about the Yue County base?”

Wen Qingling replied, “It might not be a misunderstanding. It’s widely known that the Yue County base is extremely exclusive, not allowing outsiders to set foot in Yue County. Otherwise, there would be no return. When Xiong Shu collected supplies and came to Yue County, he was pursued by your people. Their counterattack was indeed their mistake, but should they obediently wait to be killed? Honestly, how many outsiders have the Yue County base killed since the apocalypse?”

Miao Bo’s expression stiffened. Although these were just rumors, they knew it themselves that they were true. Almost no one who entered Yue County could leave alive unless they had strong power. The people of Yue County couldn’t do anything about them and had to let them go. Just like Xiong Shu and the others, if they didn’t have the ace card of the corpse wolves, they might not have returned.

“Everyone who enters Yue County deserves to die! They covet the granary, so they deserve to die!” one of the bound captives shouted.

Wen Qingling widened his eyes, “Entering Yue County means coveting the granary?”

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