9- Adulterated, Immortal Love

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Days have passed on,

Since our last meeting,

 And I have moved on,

To trace the untraceable.

Did I mention that -

Every meeting leads to a parting?

But only as long as life is mortal...

Yet you haven't realized-

That every parting is -

The precursor of every meeting-

In case of life immortal.

Think about it.

You left me.

At the banks of that unnamed brook.

I thought you were my Savior.

Yet when you left,

You sowed within me hope,

Relating to our next meeting.

When it is, I may not know....

Though I am smothered,

By pangs of separation,

Every passing second,

My only consolation,

Is that you are immortal,

And that every parting is,

The precursor of every meeting...

In case of life immortal....

I sigh at our severance,

Ofcourse, I am a nobody,

A wayward, hopeless, mortal

Infected with the parasite Kali.

Irascible like camphor and

Impatience is my greatest sin.

Jealousy eats me away,

Lust and fear rule over me,

Greedy and self centered,

Why would you 

Relate with me?

Praying? I rarely pray,

Except before exams.

Kind? Good Lord!

I am a viper with poison in my fangs,

Born to destroy and betray,

My words are painted with lies.

A hopeless girl ,

Wandering the world,

In search of you,

Yet, despite our differences,

You appear on countless occasions.


Why me?

There are billions out there ,

Who are more deserving,

Than this- this-

Deplorable mess of a girl,

With adulterated love,

And an impure heart.

I ask again-


Why me?

Why me for this divine quest?

Why give me your silken shawl?

Why save me from drowning?

You work in mysterious ways!

Raising me to your level,

And dignifying me with your trust,

I hope I don't shatter it.

I'll continue this quest,

Till I reach you.

Hope you don't mind,

This wayward, hopeless, mortal

Infected with the parasite Kali...

And so I'll continue-

Searching for you...

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