23- Eighteen, Our union

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Why do you love the number-

Eighteen so much? 

Someone once asked me.

In response, I bombarded

That someone with a tsunami-

Of a reason, which I later regretted.

I told that someone,

" I was born on the

Eighteenth hour,

Eighteenth day and

Eighteenth month,

Of the century."

And that,

Every letter in my name,

Numerologically sums up to eighteen.

And also because all the digits of-

My birth date adds up to eighteen.

Ludicrous! I know,

The reason, which you just read

Must have been the most

Hilarious excuse ever in history!

But then, the truth-

Remains that, the reason,

That you read just now,

Is not the true story...

It is just like the mirage...

That gleams in the summer desert....

It feels true, it is true...

But it isn't the reality!

The true reason....

The number eighteen-

As you see,

Has two digits.

One and eight....

And each digit symbolises,

Something beyond its face value....

One is the first number....

And if you look closely,

The letter 'I' and the 'symbol' for 'one'

Are extremely similar...

Thus 'One' is a symbol for 'I' 

Moreover, when we refer to ourselves,

We do it in First person,

As in 'I did...let me...its mine...'

So the 'one' in eighteen 

Represents me.

And then comes 'eight'

Have you ever tried

Rotating the digit '8'

By ninety degrees?

If you do,

You get the symbol for infinity....

Thus 'eight' secretly symbolises,

The Infinite....

That which is beyond comprehension ...

Beyond time...


It symbolises God.

Who is infinite....

On a spiritual plane,

Eighteen would be a sublime-

Representation of the union,

Between Jeevatman and Paramatman,

By bringing one and eight together in eighteen.

But to me it just means-

The union  between that 

Kanhaiya who showed 

The Infinite cosmos,

Within his mouth,

And me...

To me,

Eighteen always foretold,

Our union....

And I hope I am not wrong.

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