20- The night I danced with Him

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The whole world sleeps,

Deep in its slumber,

The moon yawns brightly

And the stars whisper and wink.

I stealthily rise up from my mattress,

And tip toe crookedly to the other room,

My sister's face threaded with sleep,

Peacefully continuing in the darkness-

That traps everyone, my parents,

Unaware of their daughter's 

Nightly custom, are in their

Nightly kingdom of deep sleep.

Music calls me from afar,

Bells bellow and the rains splatter,

The whole city bathes in wonder,

As I gather my spring green silk,

And the bundle of jewellery ,

Earlier rolled into a shawl,

That glittered as black as the

Raining night sprinkled with stars.

Music calls me from afar,

And I am ready to answer,

The beckoning notes that -

Call out to the vaults of my heart.

I shiver and artfully sneak ,

Out into the glittering night.

The door behind me clicking loyally,

And out I step to answer the call.

The full moon winks at me, pearlescent,

Weaving in between those crying clouds,

The music calls me, the notes soar,

And grip me, I run after them....

Trance-like, I hurry, and

Scamper through the streets,

To wherever the notes guide me-

As I dart across avenues, old and new.

I wrap the rich spring silk,

Green as fresh meadows,

Around my shoulders and waist,

The bangles onto my wrists,

And tinkling anklets with bells,

Circling my ankles, necklaces,

And earrings and much more,

For this nightly custom of mine.

Leaving the city, into the forest,

Trees sprinkling sparkling mist,

And showers of drizzles that tickle,

The music is louder and I amble in a daze

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