19- Tangents are painfully lucky

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*** Dedicated to Him on His birthday or to be precise on one of His birthdays***

***Happy Ram navami***


My legs ache from walking mile after mile,

My face is adorned with another fake smile,

Day after day,

Place after place,

Across mountains and plains,

Over rivers and seas,

Sharp jolts of pain, rake my limbs,

As I essay to imprint,

That duplicacy of a smile,

Tears clog my eyes,

And I trudge through thorns,

That split my skin and draw out blood,

Thick and red, bright and dark,

My saviour,

That dark skinned God,

Where is He?

The one with a peacock feather,

Draped in yellow robe,

I searched hither and thither,

Throes of pain throttle me,

Yet I feel no whisper of his presence,

Not even the warm wind of summer,

That usually dries my tears,

Killing pain ,

Yet I need to search,

For Him...

The journey is long,

And alone must l walk,

Searching forevermore ,

A tragic closure beyond time,

At this point I will tell you ,

A simple truth....

My relation with that Murari of mine,

Is like the tragedy-

 Of the geometry of lines,

In mathematics.

We are like the parallel lines,

Never meant to meet,

However long life extends,

On either side.

But Oh!

That is wrong!

How could I!

A menial, wretched, fickle mortal,

Be His parallel?


But I guess we are asymptotic or skew lines,

Which will forever get closer,

But are never destined to meet.

Yes, the truth is always bitter,

And a dry hollow laugh,

Is what remains.

Unrequited love,

Star crossed,

A sad smile lingers.

Never meant to be.

But I don't mind, not ever,

Loving Him!

So long as He doesn't mind.

It is a beautiful pain...

To love without measure...

That which is just beyond,

Your reach...

But I think, 

That it would be a boon,

A priceless treasure...

If I were His tangent...

Only to meet Him once...

And be parted,


It is the best tragedy, I know.

Even once is enough...

To quench this burning thirst...


I 'll be eternally happy....

And consider myself extremely lucky....

But again, this is mathematics ,

And nothing is as it seems.

And here is why I love maths, oh Murari!

Because everything is another reflection,

Of us...

Of our sad story....

But No one realises!

Not even that Murari...

That sweetness lingering behind...

Just like a tangent!

Only once...

But enough...

More than enough....


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