(2): Notorious Bad Boy

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"Chels, I'm so sorry" My best friend pleas through the phone "Pretty please forgive me?"

I finished unpacking a few hours ago. The room is I got is pretty big and nice. There was already a bed, a headboard, a few mirrors and side tables. I'm super excited about it. It's way nicer than my old tiny dorm room.

I packed my closet neatly, put my frames and other things on the side tables, I hung some of my picture frames with sticky tape (hopefully they won't fall), made the bed with my purple covers and did a little sweeping since it was kind of dusty. I heard Kyle come back but he's been in his room (which I'm yet to see) ever since.

Now I'm in the kitchen sitting on one of those spinning chairs and Kat has just called me begging for forgiveness.

"You didn't even wait to see if I got a place" I frown as I put my phone on speaker since I hate holding it by my ear.

I can imagine her also frowning because she doesn't like upsetting me "I'm very sorry. You know how Nathan is"

Nathan is her boyfriend. Or they're just having a fling. You never really know with Kat. Anyways I really don't like that guy, he treats Kat like she's some possession and he's super clingy. He even gets jealous when she's with me. I don't why she still sticks around.

"Okay" I say in small voice "I did get a place, if you must know"

"You did?" I can hear but of relief.

I nod but I know she can't see me "Yeah. With the help of a friend I just made today. Anyways the guy is a serious douche"

"Do I know him?"

I shrug "His name is Kyle"

"Kyle" She repeats thoughtfully "Wait, as in Kyle Chambers?"

Woah... that never occurred to me. Kyle Chambers is the notorious bad boy on campus; super rich, sleeps with every girl and every guy fears and respects him. I don't know what he looks like but he's pretty famous and everyone always speak about him.

Could it be?

"You think?" I ask in shock. It's not an excited shock as some girls would be living with him, it's an anxious shock. What if I have girls hunt me down just because I live with him... worse what if he normally has them over here and I have to be here for it.

"Describe him quickly"

"Grey eyes, blonde hair, nice body" I answer nervously. Please don't let it be him. Somehow I know it is because the description fits perfectly.

I hear a loud sigh and squeal "Oh my god, you live with Kyle Chambers"


"Kat" I hiss appalled "That's not a good thing"

"Why not? Have you seen how hot he is?" I can hear the grin is her voice "And he's like super rich so I wonder why he needs a roommate. Jeez, I wish I got there first-"

"Shut up" I snap and luckily she does "And trust me, I'd really want to swap places with you right now but we can't"

"Wait does Noah know?" Kat asks cautiously  "You know, that you're living with a boy? And Kyle of all boys"

I shake my head nervously "No, I haven't spoken to him yet. Do you think I should tell him?"

"Are you serious? He's obviously going to find out so it might as well be from you"

"I don't think he's going to like that"

Kat sighs sympathetically "Yeah but it's not like you're gonna do anything with the guy"

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