(28): Riley

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"Okay... reverse. Who is Josie?" Nick asks.

Kat smacks his head "Her step-mom, you idiot, can you listen faster? I really want Chels to finish the story. The suspense is killing me"

"Okay, okay" Nick defends looking to clean his ears.


We've all just finished writing our first exam. Mine wasn't that bad, I'll admit. We are sat by our 'usual' spot on the grass. It's Winnie, Nick, Kat and I. Winnie brought us all home-made tiny cookies so we're munching on them.

They're really good.

I don't know why we aren't all going back to our dorms to study for tomorrow's paper. I guess we're just enjoying the sun and each other's company.

"Okay, anyways, I confronted her about why she was so horrible to me and she broke down apologizing" I continue "Then I started crying too. And now I think I'm willing to forgive her for everything"

Winnie coos "That's so sweet. She's lucky to have an understanding and kind step-daughter like you, Chels"

I smile "Thank you Winnie"

"Yeah. Any other person would hate her for life and be bitter about everything until the end of time" Nick adds softly "You're a really strong person, little Chels"

"Thank you, you guys" I say appreciatingly.

"I still think she doesn't deserve it" Kat adds.

Trust her to be negative.

"What? Why not?" I defend taken aback "You don't even know her"

"Chels, she is the reason you stopped visiting your dad for an entire three years" She says matter-of-factly.

"Dad too. He stopped calling"

She gives me a look "Yes, because his wife didn't like you"

Does she have to be so blunt?

"Kat. You can't only blame her" Winnie intervenes in my defense. "You just have to be happy for Chels, okay?"

She sighs "You're right. I'm sorry, Chels"

"It's fine" I wave her off frowning. "Anyways how were your guyses weekends?"

"Mom met Nathan" Kat blurts.

"She did?" We all ask at the same time.

Kat laughs nodding "She does not like him. I was with Kyle too and she likes him. She says him and I would be better together"

"You and Kyle?" I snort.

Nick also laughs "Do you guys even like each other? Like, as friends?"

"I doubt it" Winnie snickers.

Kat narrows her eyes at us "I think you guys are missing the point that my mom doesn't like my boyfriend"

"Hate to break it to you, but no one likes Nathan at the first encounter" I tell her.

"It's true. I hated the guy" Nick says.

Winnie nods agreeing "Same"

"See? So this is completely normal" I try to reassure laughing "She'll like him later on, just like the rest of us"

"Yeah. After a year" Nick murmurs causing Winnie and I to bark out a laugh.

"I hate you guys" Kat scowls.

We're still laughing at her misery "Anyways how come she likes Kyle?" I asks when we've sobered up.

"You guys wouldn't believe how nice and well- mannered he is to older people" Kat gasps "He was like a little angel"

Mr Rude & Me (Undergoing Editing)Where stories live. Discover now