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True to their word, the others did end up leaving straight after 'High School Musical' last night. Nicholas had already fallen asleep during, much to Kyle's dismay, but Nathan woke him up before he could get splashed with cold water.

It would've been funny to witness.

Kyle and I were also very tired from all that television, plus also way too full to function because of the junk food we had.

He was not happy with himself and said he had to get rid of all of it by going to gym first thing in the morning. I just laughed, not feeling guilty at all for my binge eating.

We went straight to bed after.

Jean woke me up at about seven am with a call for Theo because he was acting up again. Poor baby, he really misses me, huh?

It's kind of an advantage though because I at least get to see his cute face. They both looked more like someone I know than ever. Why can't I put a name or a face to it? It's eating me up.

"Why are you up so early?" Kyle asks when I lazily enter the kitchen.

I didn't even shower yet so I'm still in my pink shorts-and-tank too pajamas. Kyle's eyes linger on me for a second before he looks away. I can't bring myself to care that I may look very embarrassing in them. Plus, I'm pretty sure my hair is a mess too.

I'm getting way too comfortable with this guy, but luckily I don't think he minds anymore.

I yawn "I was woken up. How was the gym?"

He is dressed in his gym attire, which today consists of shorts, a loose Adidas shirt and black Adidas trainers to match, making me internally drool at how delicious he always looks like that. His blonde hair is slightly damp and he's kind of sweaty, weirdly adding more to his sexy appeal.

Is he even real? Is it legal to look that good?

His sexily vainy biceps are on full show and so are his legs. I do wish I could be looking at his six pack though. I've only ever seen it once. And I definitely wouldn't mind seeing it again and again.

Did I always have these fantasies about him?

He shrugs "Fine"

"What time do you wake up when you go there?" I ask curiously, sitting on the spinning chair as I watch him make cereal.

"Five am" He replies curtly.

"You're not a morning person, are you?" I muse.

"Why would you say that?"

"You're easier to converse with during the day and not so much in the morning" I note amused "You give me one word answers"

He slurps on the milk on his spoon "Normal people don't like to speak in the morning"

Before I can reply, I am interrupted by a knock at the door. He gives me a look as if to say 'you're answering it because I'm busy and I seriously don't feel like it'. I roll my eyes but do just that.

I am greeted by a very beautiful woman, with light brown hair pulled into a neat bun who smells like roses. She is dressed in a tight-ish formal black dress, red heels, has pearls around her neck and studs on her ears.

She looks rich and quite familiar.

"And who might you be?" She asks politely, looking at me curiously.

Worst timing ever to be greeted by such a person. I'm pretty sure I look like I've just escaped from the zoo. And she looks like she comes from shooting a reality show.

Mr Rude & Me (Undergoing Editing)Where stories live. Discover now