(6): Illegal Drag Racers

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"You have a lot of explaining to do, mister" Kat demands to her boyfriend who just looks so happy that she's here.

Most of the girls that are here are literally half naked. I feel so overdressed compared to them and that says a lot because this skirt is quite short. Some are wearing bikinis (mind you it past 6 pm and it's not exactly hot), others are wearing booty shorts with crop tops. They're all hanging on to some guy who is groping them.

What is this place?

"Okay, I'm an illegal drag racer" Nathan announces nonchalantly as if speaking about the weather.

"What?!" Kat screams looking appalled, I'm guessing I also look the same "Illegal? Meaning you could go to jail? I could go to jail for even being here?"

"Babe, calm down, the cops don't know about this place" He tries to reassure "You guys are in safe hands"

"Yeah right" I scoff crossing my arms turning my head to Kat "You promised we'd leave if I didn't like it"

"No! You guys can't leave" Nathan intervenes determined "I need my girl to watch me race. Please babe"

Kat seems to think about it for a while before turning to me with an apologetic expression "Just an hour, Chels"

"Whatever" I sigh. She always picks him over me.

He kisses her happily "Thanks babe, it'll be worth it. Tell Chelsea to stop being so uptight all the time"


He leaves us alone saying he has to go prepare for his race. This place is full of hipsters. There is a bar so I'm guessing half the people here are already drunk or something, some are smoking. Overall it looks like a place anyone but me could have fun at. It's like some big social gathering except it's illegal and everyone here could he arrested.

"Want something to drink?" Kat snaps me out of my dreamland.

"Just a coke" I shrug not even looking at her cause I'm quite annoyed with her always submissive behavior towards Nathan. What's so hard about saying no?

She looks like she's about to say something, probably apologize but just sighs instead and walks away.

I decide to walk around the premises. It's pretty wide spread. The race track is a wide circle, so wide that you can see clearly on the other side of it. I won't lie, it does look exciting.

"Hey, beautiful" A drunk guy slurs from behind me. I turn around and see a man who looks old enough to be my dad holding a beer can "Want to go somewhere private?"


"No" I reply bluntly.

"Oh come on, sweetheart" He presses, moving closer to me, his gross breath fanning my face.

I shudder in disgust "Leave me alone."

He makes a move to touch me but before he can a hand catches him and pushes him roughly away from me. The old man stumbles back and only then do I see the person who 'saved' me.

"Kyle?" I gape with wide eyes.

"What the fuck are you doing here, Chelsea-Anne" He demands grabbing me by the wrist and dragging me some place. I'm already annoyed so I seriously don't need this.

I try to pry him off me "Ouch! What are you doing here?"

Finally we reach his destination in some private area with no one else around. Uh oh, is he going to kill me?

"I asked first. What are you doing at a place like this? Do you know how dangerous it is here?"

"I came with Kat, okay. Her stupid boyfriend asked us to come watch him" I reply harshly, rubbing my sore wrist "And you? Let me guess... you're also an illegal drag racer?"

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