Chapter Eighteen

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When Jake got up the next morning, Ana was nowhere to be found. Sophie was still asleep. Where had she gone? She didn't leave him a note or a message or anything.

He tried to relax. She'd probably just gone out for groceries or something, although that was usually his job.

She didn't come back that hour, or the next one, or the next three. Then four. Five. She had been gone basically the whole day. He texted her, called her, texted her again, and she never picked up.

"Shit," he swore when he realized her weapons were gone. Fuck, Ana. Where the hell did you go? Why didn't you tell me?

Jake made dinner for Sophie and himself. It had been a long time since it was just the two of them. He made up an excuse as to why she was gone, but he couldn't stop his hands from trembling. The last time he'd been this worried was when... When Sophie was missing.

He supposed that this was a little better. At least Ana could take care of herself and she knew how to fight, and she evidently was armed.

He couldn't believe he'd let himself get so attached to her. He looked forward to waking up and knowing she was probably already sitting in the kitchen. He wanted to come home after school (even though at this point he only had a few weeks left) to see her smiling face waiting for him. He appreciated the way she cared about Sophie. He loved the way she- He loved her.

"Jake, there's someone outside."

"Stay here." He got up and walked to the door, opening it slowly. Derek stood in front of him, soaking wet with a worried look on his face.

"Is she here?"


"You know who I'm fucking talking about, don't play dumb. Is Ana here?"

"No. She's not. I haven't seen her all day."

Derek swore and turned around to leave, but Jake followed and caught his collar, jerking him back. "When did you last see her? I swear to God, if you sent her to do something, I'm going to fucking murder you-"

"She came to me, bud. Not the other way around. She asked for a job and I said no. I don't know if she talked to some other people or what, but Eric said she had asked for information on a case we were given last week."

"Shit." Jake let go of the other man, who adjusted his jacket. "Tell me if you see her. Please."

"Why should I?"

"Because..." He didn't have an answer. "Just do it."

"You love her, don't you? Get used to disappointment. As soon as she realizes there's something there beyond friendship, she's going to run away from you. She doesn't do commitment any better than she does hook-ups, and I can tell you she's not very good at those either."

"Tell me if she comes back."


"Thank you." Jake yelled sarcastically as he slammed the door shut behind him. He'd forgotten about Sophie, who jumped, scared. "Shoot, Soph, I'm sorry-"

"I want Ana!" She cried, and ran into the older girl's room, leaving Jake alone with his thoughts. He pounded his fist on the counter in the kitchen, making a spoon fall off. It clattered loudly.

"Goddamn it, Ana. Why are you fucking doing this to us?" He tried calling her again. None of his texts had been read.

He checked on Sophie, who was asleep in Ana's bed, and then fell asleep on the couch waiting for her, not even bothering to unfold it.

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