Chapter Eleven

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They got to the hospital and checked her in. She looked terrible, but because the two men couldn't make it seem like too much of an emergency, they had to wait. Jake apologized for yelling and she seemed to finally understand that it was okay to be weak sometimes. When the doctors finally found time to see her, she was basically in denial of the whole situation. Again.

When they saw her condition, immediately questions were asked, and Jake filled them in as much as he was able. He dropped his father's name and one of the nurses immediately picked up on it, becoming much more perky afterwards. Jake tried to ignore it, but even Ana could tell that it bothered him much more than he let on. His already grim mood had dampened considerably.

They brought out a stretcher for her and she reluctantly climbed on. Max wasn't allowed to go back with her. They told Jake he wasn't either. Ana panicked, although he couldn't tell if she was acting or not, especially given the fact she had been calm for most of the ordeal.

"He has to come with me! Please. I need him with me. Please!"

"Only family's allowed inside, miss."

"He's basically my family! I hardly have anyone else!" No one relented. She sat up violently and began to quarrel, but Jake helped her lay down again. She looked at the girl who had known his father. He looked at Ana with a conflicted look. She smiled briefly before yelling some more.

"Ah... Miss?"

"Yes?" Jake had to admit she wasn't bad looking. She was blonde like him and petite with hazel eyes to match. He lightly touched her arm and mustered up his most charming smile.

"I'm really sorry to bother you. She's my cousin's girlfriend, I don't know if you saw him earlier," he motioned to the waiting room, referring to Max. "He had an urgent business call but I know he would kill me if I didn't go in with her. If you could make an exception, just this once..."

"I'm sorry, sir. I'm really not allowed to do that-"

"I'd be happy to let my father know. Maybe he could help you out around here a little bit?" He smiled again. The girl looked flustered but happy.

"I... That sounds nice, but I... He doesn't work here anymore."


"I'm surprised you don't know. I mean, I knew he didn't live with that... Woman... Anymore, but I didn't realize you two didn't stay connected."

"Where is he?" Jake demanded, temporarily forgetting about Ana, who was being wheeled into emergency care.

"I don't know. I think he moved to California or something. He was going to take me with him, but then-"

"I'll tell him you said hi," he ground out, no longer pretending to be happy. "Let me in to see her. Max isn't going to be back for at least a couple of hours and she doesn't have any other family."

"They're going to operate on her, probably. You wouldn't be able to see her then anyways."

"Then I'll wait in her room."

"You're determined," she remarked, looking at him. Her arm curled around his bicep and her eyes narrowed a little. "Are you sure there's nothing else?"

"What do you mean?" He deadpanned, trying to end the conversation. This wasn't working.

"I could write you a pass."

"So do it."

"Let's go somewhere and talk it out. I want to make sure you really  want it."

"Let's not. I have a girlfriend. I can't just hook up with you."

"Your father had a wife," she commented, tightening her grip and playing with his collar. "That didn't stop him."

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