21. It has started

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Third-person POV

Turns out Leo's story was actually more eventful than Percy's, which made him reconsider his life choices.

When Percy had been chilling in Alaska, somewhat free from constant monster attacks and just living out his life in somewhat peace, Leo had been doing all sorts of crazy things. 

Apparently, Leo had inserted the Physician's Cure into himself via Festus. Percy remembered the last few weeks on the Argo II when Leo would spend hours alone in the engine room. In fact, he had been building a machine that was able to locate Ogygia for a second time. After he had been brought back to life, he had ridden Festus all the way to Calypso's island only to find her not there.

Percy had apologised to Leo about wishing to release Calypso from her island. Leo was confused, of course. Who would apologise for making such a selfless wish? Leo had told Percy it was alright and that he had saved Leo having to put up with Calypso on the journey back, which earned him a smack in the head.

Sadly, Leo had arrived at Camp Half-Blood a few days after Percy had left. He had been informed of Percy's disappearance, of course, and he helped a huge part in looking for him, having the huge flying dragon and all. After two years and no success, Leo had given up and taken Calypso to Indianapolis to start the machine shop they had planned so long ago. 

Leo had been one of the only few head counsellors at camp that had not taken up the partial immortality the Olympians had offered. Percy figured it was because Calypso had lost her immortality when she had left her island and the gods would never give her her immortality back. 

Leo had changed a significant amount since the last time Percy had seen him. Back when they were on the quest to Athens, Percy had always thought of Leo as a scrawny kid who only knew how to make machines. Now, Leo didn't look like he would be pushed over by the next strong wind. He had put on some muscle, most likely from working in his machine shop all day, making him look like the son of Hephaestus he is. He had grown taller, making him almost Percy's height. Even though he was already twenty years old, Leo still had that face that made him look younger than he really is.

As good as the short catch-up session with Leo and Calypso had been, the demigods still had the upcoming war looming over their heads. They knew there would be a lot of casualties. War always yielded casualties but somehow, everyone felt like the loss after this war would be the worst.

There was no warning as to when the war would start or when Nyx was going to attack. No one had even heard of or seen Nyx at all. Since Nyx could attack at any moment, the demigods had decided to prepare themselves to the best of their ability. Preparing for war meant training, and training meant learning new things that they never thought was possible.

Percy had taken over training the demigods in sword fighting, his expertise. Some would say he was the best sword fighter to ever exist. Throughout his time in Alaska and when he was helping young demigods, he had learnt a lot of new and effective sword skills. He couldn't wait to teach them to his friends and other campers.

Percy had about 150 demigods in his class, but he preferred to think of it as a training session. Swordsmanship had to be one of the most preferred fighting style Greek and Roman demigods and Percy was the best swordsman in the last 300 years or so. That made them excited because the legendary Percy Jackson they had heard about was going to show them the sword skills that made him such an idol to them.

The demigods assembled in the new arena and waited for their 'teacher' to arrive. The air was filled with excited chatter and talks about the new sword skills they were going to learn. Percy arrived with Jason and Nico after a few minutes and the gathered demigods instantly silenced themselves.

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