23. Recovering

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Third-Person POV

Percy didn't think he would wake up after what had happened to him. The last thing he remembered was the feeling of his skin and soul burning away from the imaginary water of the River Styx. 

All he could feel was the lingering pain left behind from the curses. His limbs felt like they were chopped off his body and painfully stitched back on. His chest and abdomen were replaced with the constant feeling of hot knives repeatedly stabbing him. His broken legs ached as if he had been running for ten days straight. 

Percy sat straight upwards, eliciting a groan of pain from him. He held his stomach gasping as he waited for the pain to subside. Percy took the pain as a good sign. If he felt pain it meant that he was still alive, and that was a good thing. Somehow, he had managed to recover from the dozen curses set upon him, including the Curse of Kronos and the...other one.

Percy looked around and took in his surroundings. He seemed to be in the infirmary of Camp Half-Blood, and it filled him with relief. So his friends and family must have managed to get to him in time. He was also the only person in the infirmary, which made him wonder how long he had been unconscious. Percy hoped Nyx hadn't attacked when he was out because that would really suck, since Nyx was after him in the first place.

Percy looked himself over and nearly jumped out of the bed. He was covered in what looked like a thin layer of water. Just by feeling it, Percy knew it was saltwater and figured it must have been his father's doing. Percy also felt the curses he had placed upon himself had already subsided and he was now free of them, though not before they could do significant damage. 

Percy willed the water off of his body with slight difficulty before trying to get off of his bed. He swung his lead over the edge of the bed and wiggled his toes. Confident that his legs were working, Percy took a deep breath and slowly placed his feet on the cold floor, sending a chill up his spine. 

Taking another deep breath, Percy lifted himself off of the bed and braced himself for the fall that was sure to come. Surprisingly, his legs held up, albeit a bit shaky. He held onto the edge of the bed to steady himself and when he did, he walked slowly to the entrance of the infirmary in hopes to find someone he recognised.

As soon as Percy exited the building, he was instantly hit in the face by a bright light. Percy blinked his eyes, trying to clear his vision. When his eyes adjusted to the light, which took longer than he had expected, he was met with a large form barrelling into him. Percy bit his lip from crying out in pain as his brain took a while to register who had just crashed into him.

'Brother!' a familiar voice cried out in delight. Percy's eyes shot right open. He only had one brother that really enjoyed hugs.

'Tyson?' Percy asked hopefully. It had been too long since he had seen his cyclops brother.

'Yay! Brother's brain works!' Tyson shouted happily as he pulled back from the literal bone-crushing hug. Percy looked over Tyson after he recovered from his pain. 

Tyson was still the same height, standing just over seven feet tall. He may still look like the child he used to be but Percy knew that Tyson possessed the ability to will himself to be 30 feet tall, just like his brethren. Luckily, Tyson hadn't decided to stay in his huge form. With all the lingering injuries from the arai, Percy wasn't sure if he would have survived a hug from the 30-foot form of his brother.

'You are here!' Percy exclaimed smiling. The last time Percy had seen his brother was after the Titan War and he felt extremely guilty that he hadn't informed Tyson when he left. Tyson must have cried himself to death when he found out about the news. 

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