13. Horrible confessions

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Third-person POV

The Hunters woke up to an unusual circumstance. Whenever the Hunters would get up at around six in the morning, they would be greeted with the smell of dew and a cool morning breeze. The soft sunlight would barely penetrate the comfortable shelter of their tent. Now, the immortal teenage girls could smell what suspiciously smelled like bacon.

Artemis was up long before everyone else, like she usually did when she woke up an hour before her Hunters. When she had exited her tent, she was met with an extraordinary sight.

Her newest member, the twenty-one-year-old male she had invited into the Hunt, was up earlier than her. And he was cooking breakfast.

Artemis approached the kitchen tent silently. Normally, the Hunters would have to make their own breakfast if they wanted to eat. Occasionally, one person would cook for everyone for the day. What Artemis didn't expect was Percy to cook breakfast for her Hunters.

Artemis watched as Percy placed another batch of eggs onto a plate. She was amazed by his skill. He was flipping the eggs and bacon on the frying pan expertly, like he had been doing it for his whole life. Artemis felt herself drool at the sight of all the delicious-looking food, which slightly embarrassed her.

After getting over the fact that the Hero of Olympus can cook, Artemis spoke up, startling Percy. 'I didn't know you could cook.'

Artemis stifled a laugh when she saw Percy jump. He cursed when the pancakes he was in the middle of flipping splatted on the floor.

Percy turned around and playfully scowled at the goddess, 'Don't do that, Lady Artemis. You scared me.'

Something about the way he said it broke something inside Artemis. She couldn't help herself.

Percy watched confused as Artemis started rolling on the floor laughing. He didn't know whether it was what he said or if it was the four half-cooked pancakes on the floor.

When Artemis finally calmed down (which took far too long), Percy had already picked up the pancakes he dropped and started cooking another batch. 

'Do you need anything, Lady Artemis?' Percy asked politely.

Artemis nodded, 'I was going to ask what you were doing up so early.'

'Didn't sleep,' Percy responded casually 'I figured making breakfast would be a good way to pass the time.'

Artemis' eyes widened, 'You didn't sleep?'

Percy shrugged, 'Couldn't, didn't. Same thing.'

Artemis was skeptical but dropped the subject. She looked over to the plates of food on the counter and saw that they were wrapped up in aluminum foil, most likely to keep the food warm. 

'When are your Hunters going to be up?' Percy asked.

'In about an hour or so.' came the reply.

Percy nodded and placed the pan into the sink. Water emerged from the tap and covered all the used dishes before it started...vibrating?

Artemis watched in awe as Percy demonstrated his power by cleaning the dishes. The last time she had seen the infamous water powers at work was at the battle in Athens, and before that when the Olympians were fighting Typhoon. She wondered how powerful Percy had become since she had last seen him.

Percy willed the now dirty water out of the tent and coated the dishes with another layer of water, double cleaning the kitchen utensils. This time, Artemis watched as Percy willed the water to do spirals on the plates and pans. It was truly mesmerizing.

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