36 | don't ask why

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I changed my mind last minute.

I think I made the right choice... but I'm still so unsure.

The time I've spent with Jay after the breakup has been incredible. I got to see the real him, and also the person I've wanted to be with for the past twelve years.

Why couldn't I get myself to reach him? Why do I keep hesitating, even though I know I love him?

"Thanks for choosing me." Jake comforted me after the party. He saw how Jay reacted, and how much it crushed me. Seeing my best friend like that... it was so damn painful.

I love Jay, I admit I do- but I also love Jake like crazy. I don't know... I'm not even sure if I should be dating right now with this type of mindset. This might end up badly once again.

"I've got to be real honest with you... I'm still unsure of what I truly feel right now. I got back with you, but I feel so guilty. I don't know-"

"It's okay. I understand, and it's alright to feel that way. I'll just have to work harder." Jake comforted me.



"That party was so much fun! Why did you suddenly disappear? We all thought you weren't coming back." My mom questioned me once we got home.

"I went out to get some fresh air... and talk to Ally." I was about to go into my room, until she suddenly screamed.

"Congrats! When she told me that she was gonna give you the "green card", I was so excited for you two. It was obvious that you both had something for each other." She hugged me and I just stood there in complete confusion.

"What do you mean... green card?" I blinked twice as fast.

"Has she not said it? Oh... my bad," Mom grew flustered and awkwardly laughed. "She bought all those green decorations because she was preparing to say yes to your confession. I ruined it."

"No, mom. You helped a lot, thank you so much." I pecked her cheek and ran back out. It's super dark already, but that won't stop me from leaving.

I dialled Ally's number, and she surprisingly answered on the first ring.

"Where are you? Don't ask why, just answer my question." I waited for the response from the other end.

"I just got home right now." She sounded really exhausted, so I started hesitating- but it's now or never.

"I'll be there." I hung up and put my phone on silent before she could say anything else.

I ran very quickly all the way to her place, running until I couldn't catch my breath anymore. She already chose him... it won't change anything, but I'm also not giving up so easily.

"Jay-" she opened the door after I knocked a couple times.

"I love you. You already know that, so why the hell did you choose him? The green card... weren't you gonna give that to me earlier? Why did you suddenly change your mind? Damn it!" I panted, nearly about to collapse.

"Calm down first." She let me into her house, and I just completely fell on the sofa. I'm so shameful.

"I sound so desperate, don't I? I was so ready to just forget about you... to pretend that I'm alright," I yelled in frustration. "But what ever I do, I just keep wanting you. I want to be with you so badly."

"Why? What do you even like about me?" She remained calm and made zero eye contact with me.

"Everything. From the way we've been together since we were young, how we take care of each other, how you make me a better person, how damn beautiful you are- both inside and out. I love how I can be myself around you, you're also so admirable and smart, whenever I see you... my heart starts to beat so quickly-"

"Stop!" She got up from her seat and opened the front door. "You shouldn't have said anything... I wanted to hate you, so I could just forget you."





Song: ALEPH (알레프) — No One Told Me Why

(LYRICS: he asks her if she actually likes him or not, because if so he'll move on. He tells her to do it now, because if she waits longer it might be too late)

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