15 | homebody

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While spending some quality time with Jake, I finally blurted out what I've been meaning to ask him since earlier.

"Can we go on a double date with Jay and his girlfriend? Maybe to an amusement park or something." I nervously waited for his reply.

"Of course! Sounds like a lot of fun." He smiled to me like usual. We cuddled on his couch while watching a cute little musical, but I'm honestly not really focused. I just kept taking small glances at my boyfriend. He really is damn handsome.

"You're literally perfect." I uttered under my breath, and he just giggled. He's very shy when it comes to receiving compliments, but he should really start getting used to it soon. I'm gonna shower him with so much love.

"So are you." He tried to lean in, and I began to get excited at the thought of this becoming my first kiss. I slowly fluttered my eyes close, waiting for his lips to meet mine.

However, it didn't.

The reason was because my phone suddenly started to buzz like crazy.

"What do you want?!" I whisper shouted after answering Jay's call. I excused myself and began punching the air inside the washroom. Gosh, I'm so frustrated!

"Can I come over right now? I'm so bored." I can already imagine Jay lying down on his bed, maybe rolling around if he's feeling a bit productive. I just sighed and attempted not to lose my cool.

"I'm not even at home. I'm at Jake's dorm." I bluntly told him.

"What are you doing at a boy's place at this hour? Don't you know what can happen? You're literally insane!" I can tell that he's losing it right now. He may be annoying, but Jay has always been insanely protective of me. "I'll pick you up right now."

"Don't even bother... I'm sleeping over here tonight. Plus, you're also a boy that always comes over to my place during random times- vice versa. Look at what you're doing right now." I rolled my eyes since he's such a hypocrite.

"But it's different- we've known each other almost our whole lives! You're already sleeping over there? For a damn guy you've dated for a month." I could hear the scoff under his breath, and it truly angered me.

What he said really hurt.

"You're almost saying as if I'm a whore. I'm not going around sleeping with just some guy! I'm not even planning on doing that... you're the one that's crazy, because you're so quick to judge. You keep saying you know me, but right now you're doubting me." I immediately hanged up the call because I'm about to cry.

I got out of the washroom, and saw Jake finishing up the movie while waiting for me. I just fell into his arms and started bawling my heart out. I literally hate Jay right now.

"What's wrong?" Jake patted my back while talking in a very soothing tone.

"Jay just said some really hurtful things to me on the phone. I know he just wants me to be safe, but sometimes it's too much." I tried to take back my tears, but they just won't stop falling. Jake let me cry on his shoulders, and I honestly felt so much comfort.

"Is it because of me? He still doesn't completely trust me, and I totally understand that as well. Do you want me to just drop you home now?" He was very careful to ask me.

"Go home when I'm like this? No way. If that happens, then he wins. This is our relationship, we're not trying to satisfy anyone else." I mumbled against his chest.

"You're right," he gave me a small kiss on the cheek instead. "You're mine and we get to make the rules here. Are you willing to let go of him?"

"Let go of Jay? What do you mean... he was never even mine to begin with." I didn't really understand his statement.

"I meant, to slowly drift away from him. I don't think we'll truly be happy unless he's out of the picture," Jake suggested and it kind of took me aback. "I'll even help you. It can be slowly done."

So he wants me to break off my friendship of twelve years.

That's easier said than done.


I really like the chapters for this week hehe... also EN-CONNECT was so fun!!! They did so well <3


Song: NCT 127 — No Longer (나의 모든 순간)

(LYRICS: about how the girl is starting to drift away from him because she has someone else. He's starting to like her even more, now that she's beginning to fade away from him)

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