4 | fairy princess

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"Once we turn thirty and still both single, let's get married." I proposed to Ally and she aggressively hit my left shoulder with her palm.

"In your dreams." She stuck out her tongue and flipped me off.

"Why not? We would look cute together." I wrapped my arm around her shoulders.

"And when I kiss you?" Ally hitched her face closer to mine and I immediately backed off.

"No thanks." I stood up and began walking away. Did I just panic? No... that's just because it's almost time for my politics lecture! Yeah, that's it.

I suddenly bumped into someone while quickly walking to class. I helped her pick up the things she dropped, and as I looked up to apologize...

Holy shit, she's gorgeous.

She has silky brown hair that falls right to her ribs, a small face with big doe eyes, a perfect nose and lips. She's also tall and slim- very model like. She looks like a princess or a fairy.

"I'm s-sorry." I stuttered in front of her and she just giggled without saying a word. The fairy-like princess left, leaving me hanging inside my fantasy world.

Who the fuck was that? I can't believe I malfunctioned in front of her like that... so embarrassing. I need to find her sooner or later- she might be the one!

I suddenly spotted a pink keychain on the ground, so I picked it up and it has someone's keys on it. This must be hers, and she didn't even notice it fell along with her other stuff. I need to find her right after class- she might be panicking at this moment.

During my politics class, all I could think about was that girl. I may have actually blanked out a couple of time. Whenever the professor called me, it took me quite a while to come up with an answer.

"Wanna go study with me?" Ally clung her arm around my shoulders after class, but I shook her off. Not the time.

"Sorry, I'm busy." I announced to her, but she still ended up following me. I don't know why I feel so irritated by her presence... all day, I've just been annoyed by her even though she didn't do anything.

"Where are you going? Slow down." She tried to keep up with me, but I have longer legs.

"Can you just leave me alone? I'm trying to look for someone." I rolled my eyes and she actually looked offended this time.

"You've been struck again? You're so quick to fall in love, it's not gonna get you anywhere. Why don't you take the time and reflect on yourself? See why all these girls have dumped you? It's because you're an asshole," Ally handed me back my calculator and began walking away. "Hope it doesn't turn out well."

This girl.

I just turned around and ran allover the school, trying to look for my dream girl. Near the arts department, I saw her talking with the photography club.

"Hey, I think you dropped this earlier." I handed her the keychain and her eyes lit up. She's a different level of beauty.

"Thank you! I was literally just looking for this. I owe you big time," she suddenly handed me a calling card. "I'm quite busy right now, but I'll have some time next week. Just contact my manager! Bye."

I have to contact her manager... which turns out to be her mom.

This is gonna be harder than I expected.



"He's so stuck up! Who does he think he is? Just because he looks like that, he thinks he can use me? Discard me whenever he feels like it? Then use me again? What am I, recyclable material?!" I ranted to my friend Jozy. She just laughed because Jay literally asked her out last week.

"Just admit you like him." Jozy laughed while she enjoyed watching me infuriated.

"No..." I turned my back against her and blushed. "When did you find out?"

"The first time I met you. You mentioned him already, and I could tell how excited you were while talking about him. I can see how much your eyes twinkle whenever you're with him."

"Am I really that obvious?" I sighed and hugged her pillow. "He's dated almost all my close friends, and I always just ask myself... when's my turn? It never came."

"Correction, it hasn't come yet. Don't lose hope- you might be his last one." Jozy winked at me and I just chuckled.

"I've liked him since third grade. I can't believe I let myself have feelings for him for that long... twelve years of nothing." I began rethinking my life choices.

"That long? You seriously need to get a boyfriend! Do you want me to set you up on a blind date?" She started to get pretty excited.

"I mean, whatever. Maybe I should try it out..." I suddenly felt like crying for no reason. "I need to get over Jay."


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Song: TXT (투모로우바이투게더) — Fairy Of Shampoo (샴푸의 요정)

(LYRICS: love at first sight towards a girl first seen in a shampoo commercial. Just watching this person on TV gives them comfort)

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