6 | blind date

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Jay seriously dropped me off at the restaurant, to make sure I'm safe and that my date isn't just some creepy pedophile. We looked through the window and spotted a cute boy sitting near the back.

"Is that him?" Jay asked and I shrugged. I don't know either.


Are you here?

Yes, I'm at the back!

He started to look around, so I ducked down and hid behind a bush. Where does Jozy find these cute guys?

"That's him!" I squealed to Jay, and he just scoffed.

"I'll stay here, in case anything happens." He told me but I strongly refused.

"I'm twenty. I'm pretty sure I can take care of myself! Remember, I'm a black belter? Unless you're jealous..." I teased him and he just rolled his eyes.

"Okay, goodbye." He waved and pushed me towards the doorway.

I nervously walked into the room, my head down and eyes glued onto the floor. The time I spent having an internal conflict while trying to reach him, felt way too long. I eventually made it though.

"Hello, I'm Ally Kim. Jake, right?" I pretended that I didn't just watch him with my best friend from behind the big glass doors.

"Yes, I'm Jake Shim. Nice to meet you!" We shook hands before sitting down. "Do you want to order now?"

"Sounds good." I checked the menu and they served incredibly expensive food. My eyes just grew wide and I chose the cheapest choice, aglio e olio.

"I'll pay, don't worry about it." He assured me, but I felt bad so I just went with my original choice. We listed down our orders to the waiter, and they wrote it down in a very respectful manner.

"How do you know Jozy?" It's probably not the best conversation starter, but I'm literally blanked out right now.

"She's a family friend. I've known her since we were seven, and she's like a little sister to me." He explained. So they're like me and Jay... is Jozy sure it's okay for me to be flirting with this guy? Does she not have feelings for him?

No, Ally. Not everyone falls in love with their best friend.

"Oh! That's cute..." I giggled because I felt flustered, not knowing what to say next. "Which university do you attend?"

"I go to UCLA. How about you?" Jake has a really pretty smile that hasn't disappeared this whole time. He's a pretty charming individual.

"I go there too! Wow, why haven't I seen you around?" I added and he laughed.

"Different departments, most likely. Which course are you taking?" He asked in curiosity.

"Political science, as of right now. Hopefully I get into law school after my bachelors," I confidently told him and he seemed quite amazed. "You?"

"I'm doing nursing at the moment! I want to become a paediatrician or a family doctor. Nursing- in my opinion, is the most hands on choice for premed. The experience you get during clinical is pretty incredible." He passionately explained to me, and I was just so impressed. His life direction seems so clear.

"You're so cool..." I didn't even realize I was day dreaming already. I'm so embarrassed!

"Thanks! You're just as cool too, Ms. Future Lawyer." He flattered me.

The food finally came, and we completely went silent while devouring our meals. After finishing, we talked about our hobbies and stuff- honestly, I'm having a great time with him so far.

"Let's take a walk to avoid indigestion." He suggested and I agreed. We took a stroll along the sidewalk, watching people of all ages pass by. They seem so happy.

"I've never had a boyfriend." I probably shouldn't have said that, but I want him to be aware. If his only intention is to play with my feelings, then we should draw the line right here.

"Seriously? You're such a charming girl," he pushed away the hair strands covering my face. "Maybe destiny was waiting for us to meet... I've never had a girlfriend as well. All my life, I just studied hard to get into a good university. Never had the time for myself- not until now."

"Really?" I was just in complete awe. "Can I keep seeing you? To see where this takes us? I'll honestly say that you impressed me this whole afternoon. I want to know more about you."

"Same here." Jake smiled and we spent the rest of our time together, chatting and having the time of our lives.

For a quick moment, I actually forgot about Jay.


Hehe Jake's finally here:)


Song: Henry (헨리) — Fall In Luv

(LYRICS: another song about love at first sight, and feeling comfortable with someone you just met)

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