The sweet magic of Christmas

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She looked like a goddess.

Her light brown hair was curled to absolute perfection: it hung round her small face, framing it. Her hazel eyes were accentuated by her shimmering silver eyeshadow. She was the complete definition of classy, yet absolutely gorgeous.

The red lipstick brought a pop of colour to her pale, lightly freckled face. The sweet smell of vanilla and rose flooded his senses as she walked closer to him. Completely and utterly gorgeous.

The dress was beautiful too: but the main beauty there was her. She would be the belle of the ball; he knew already. She took his arm, and they began to walk down the stairs.

"Draco, I'm quite nervous," she stuttered shyly.

"Oh, don't be, it will be a lot better now father is gone. Mother is making it like a winter wonderland: we can take a walk in the gardens if you would like, later on," he smiled, reassuring her.

"I would like that very much," she smiled back.

They greeted the guests graciously with Narcissa, and Hermione received many surprised looks and glances. Many complimented her dress and said she look stunning; which made me her blush prettily every time.

She recognised a few of the guests: like Blaise Zabini and Pansy Parkinson. Many were Narcissa's old school friends that she had recently regained due to Lucius now being away. It was sad really: she had to end so many of her friendships with people that weren't pure blooded due to him.

It was three minutes until midnight: almost christmas day.
"Would you like to dance, mia bella?" Draco asked.
"Of course I would," she replied.

A slow song came on and everyone partnered up. His arms lay gently around her waist as her slender arms wrapped around his neck. They danced together; whispering to each other.
The bells chimed for midnight and mistletoe formed above their heads.

They both looked up in unison, and marvelled at the mistletoe.

"Merry christmas," she whispered, before crashing her lips against his.

Her feet were stupidly sore after dancing the night away with Draco, and at the end of the ball he picked her up bridal style - much to her delight - and carried her to his room.

She laughed happily the whole time.

"Fuck I've been waiting all night for this," he smirked as he slowly unzipped her dress.

His touch left Hermione with goosebumps.

Her dress fell to the floor in a beautiful pool of emerald green.

Lust mixed with pure love filled his eyes: the perfect cocktail for a night to remember.

They resumed their kiss: Hermione laying on the bed beneath him as she stripped him of his suit. He smirked down at her, taking in her figure. She had worn white, delicate, lacy lingerie especially for the occasion.

"You look fucking perfect," he whispered into her ear, and then kissed her cheek.
"Pity it will all be on the floor in seconds," he continued before quite literally ripping it off of her, and smashing his lips to hers aggressively.

The love and lust never left their eyes throughout the night: and they fell asleep in the glowing moonlight, laying in eachothers arms.

The sweet magic of Christmas.

"Hermione! Hermione! Wake up its christmas!" Draco whispered, excited like a young child, as he shook her awake.
"What time is it?" she grumbled sleepily.
"6am! We're up so late come on: I usually wake mother at 5!" He continued ecstatically.

She sat up, feeling the soreness immediately.

He had been a lot rougher that time.

She had only had a few hours of sleep which certainly didn't help the situation: and Merlin, he was excited for Christmas.

She threw a dressing gown and some underwear on, and Draco put on some gray joggers. Then, hand in hand, they ran down the stairs to the living room.

"I'll go wake mother!" he giggled like a toddler.

She gazed up at the extravagant tree, before looking down to the gift piles. Her's were obviously the ones wrapped in red.
Seconds later she heard two sets of footsteps rushing down the stairs.
"Merry christmas," Narcissa smiled.

So far she had received her annual Weasley jumper; a new backpack and some books from Harry, some chocolate frogs from Ron; a new red dress from Ginny; some jumpers from George and some books about flowers from Molly and Arthur.

She found her gift from Narcissa, and grinned.

Hermione had gotten her a bouquet of flowers and a silver watch.

Hermione opened the present from Narcissa gently, untying the golden ribbon with utmost's care.

She opened the white box to reveal the prettiest silver earrings with emeralds embedded in that she had ever seen.
"Thank you!" she gasped.
"You're very welcome," Narcissa replied: ecstatic that Hermione had liked the gift.

"Hermione, I'd like to give you my gift upstairs if that's alright," Draco smiled.
"Of course," she said as she followed him.

"Now, close your eyes love," he instructed.
She did what he told her to, and felt a small box being placed into her palms.
"You can open them now, mia bella," he whispered softly before kissing her cheek.

She gently unwrapped the gift as he watched nervously, and she opened the box lid and instantly broke into a smile.

It was a silver necklace -he knew she didn't like gold- with a small ruby encrusted lion on it, and an emerald encrusted serpent laying next to it.

It was absolutely beautiful.

She turned it over and saw that their initials were engraved into the charms.
"Do you like it?" he asked, still nervous.
"I love it," she grinned.

He put the necklace on her and she kissed him sweetly. He had already opened his present from Hermione: some new rings since he was complaining his old ones didn't suit him anymore.

Then she curled up into his arms, and they fell straight into a deep, perfect sleep.

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