This felt like home

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After standing in shock, smiling as she recalled the slow, sensual kiss that had taken place with Draco only minutes beforehand; she was in a trance like state.

He had proven to her that he really could be loving, and that - behind his cold exterior - he had a heart of gold. She had made her mind up: She had to tell him how she truly felt at some point. She walked calmly down the corridor, the enchanted fire lamps lighting simultaneously as she skipped through, savouring every moment after such a comforting kiss.

"Password?" the fat lady questioned, gazing down at Hermione from inside the perfect painting.

"Mandrake," the girl smiled, clambering in as soon as the portrait swung open: she needed Ginny's advice as soon as possible.

The common room was welcoming as always, its red and gold colour scheme a source of comfort to her. The fire crackled, its embers glowing brilliant shades of red and amber. The bustle of Gryffindor house filled the room as it was only just the end of the day: it was never quiet at this time. Hermione ran forwards - spotting the famous Weasley hair instantly - and pulled Ginny into a tight embrace.

"Gin, I need your help," she whispered into her ear as Ginny turned from her aimless chatter towards Harry into Hermione's welcoming hug.

"What's wrong? He hasn't hurt you has he?" Ginny replied, clearly worrying as Hermione was rather clueless when it comes to love and the pain it brings with it.

"No, no! Quite the opposite in fact, but it's a long story and I wish to tell you it privately - not even Harry and Ron can know," she explained, hoping Ginny would get the hint that she wished to leave.

"Well come on then, lets go on a walk and you can tell me everything, 'mione. But keep in mind - if he's hurt you I'm going to crush every one of his pure blooded bones,"

"Yes, Gin, I'll remember that," she laughed as she climbed out the portrait, ready to come clean about everything.

"So you're telling me you and Malfoy have been fake dating the whole time to help you get over my complete idiot of a brother and so Pansy leaves him alone?"


"And that you, the brightest witch of our age, need love advice because you think you've actually fallen in love with the school's ex playboy?"


"Well, lets start from the beginning. Never come on too strong - that's where Pansy failed. But don't be too subtle or he'll think you've lost interest,"

"But what if he never had any interest in me to start with?" Hermione whined in response to Ginny's well practiced advice.

"For someone so smart you really are quite dumb sometimes Hermione - he's been all lovey dovey to you which he never does and you've never suspected he probably likes you? Why else would he ask you out of all people to help him with this, and why would he kiss you in private like that if he didn't need to? Think about it,"

"So what exactly are you suggesting I do?"

"Meet up with him tomorrow and tell him how you feel. Just let life run its course. You really must like him you know: you're eyes light up at the mention of his name," Ginny smiled.

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