Grace and class

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"Of course we aren't," Blaise sighed.
"And," he continued, "for the record: him and Pansy aren't serious I don't think. He can't stand the idea of dating her,"
"Its a bit pathetic really," Hermione giggled, her tears ceasing to fall.

"I have one last idea if you want to follow through with it," he smirked.
"Go on?"
"We give you a complete fucking makeover, Granger," he grinned.

"Are you sure about this Blaise? Will I suit shorter hair?" she worried.
"I'm thinking collarbone length and we tame it with a permanent spell into loose waves," he said.
"Perfect! I've got a vision already!" he shrieked excitedly.

And she trusted him.

A second later, a spell was cast and a lot of her hair was laying in alarmingly large chunks on the floor.

"We'll look in the mirror in a minute: you look amazing, Hermione. Now lets fix this god awful wardrobe," he said, crinkling his nose.
"Hey! It's not that bad!" she protested.
"Oh darling, its so last year," he drawled.

He transfigured her modest wardrobe into a dark academia style. It was still modest, but was more 'stylish' according to Blaise. She already owned a few brown pairs of trousers, so it wasn't that difficult.

"Ta da! Do you like it?" Blaise giggled as he showed Hermione her new hair.
"Like it? I love it!" she grinned.

It suited her perfectly: and it was now much more manageable due to the spell Blaise used. She would be able to run a brush through it in the mornings, and her hair would be done.

She thanked him, and cast a spell to send my trunk back up to her dormitory. Luckily, the common room had been empty during their transformation fiasco. It would be difficult to explain why a Slytherin was in the Gryffindor common room.

It was now almost midnight.

She snuck up to her dormitory, and fell straight to sleep.

"Hermione! Wake up!" Ginny yelled as she hit Hermione repeatedly with a pillow.
"What?" she murmured groggily.
"Your hair? Sit up! Let me see!" Ginny shrieked ecstatically.

Hermione obeyed, and Ginny gushed about how good it looked. Hermione grinned, and they got dressed to go to Hogsmeade. She pulled on some cute brown fitted plaid pants and tucked in a black turtle neck. She wore her usual old black boots, and yanked her winter coat over the top.

It was just a plain black puffer jacket.

"I like this new you, Hermione," Ginny smiled.

Hermione put some lip balm on, and, as they were about to leave, an owl came swooping in to the dormitory with them.

"Its for you, 'mione,"

It was from Narcissa Malfoy. She was requesting Hermione to meet up with her in the three broomsticks at 11am. It was currently 9.

"By the time we get there it will be 10. We can shop for a bit, then you meet Mrs Malfoy and I'll go hang out with Parvati, Luna's got a date," Ginny said, winking at the end.

Hermione knew exactly who that date would be.

They did exactly as was planned: and raided the sweet shops before parting ways. Hermione walked in to the pub slowly, and Narcissa elegantly called her over. Narcissa really was the definition of grace and class.

"Good morning, sweetheart," Narcissa smiled.
"Good morning, Narcissa! I hope you've been doing well?" she replied.
"I have! Lets go on a walk, I'll show you my favourite place in Hogsmeade,"

Hermione was assuming she was under the impression Draco and her were still together.

Narcissa took them to an old book store, much to Hermione's delight, and they discussed their favourite books.
"Lucius was never into reading, but he did gift me a library for my 30th birthday," Narcissa told the younger woman.

They were bonding really well, and both bought a few books. Hermione had recommended Narcissa some excellent muggle classics; and Narcissa then bought them.

They were walking around quite happily through a forest, discussing various topics. It was nice for both of them to be able to talk to someone else as highly educated.

"Mother? What are you doing with her?" Draco yelled.
"Don't be so rude, Draco! I'm simply taking a walk," Narcissa said back calmly.
"But why with Granger? I would of enjoyed a walk with you if you had asked me," he replied, dropping his guard. He almost sounded hurt.

"Then join us, darling," Narcissa smiled.

And he did.

"Hello, Hermione," he said awkwardly.
"Hello Draco," she replied breezily.
"Your hair looks good like that - Blaise's doing, I assume?" he said.
"I always knew Blaise would he an excellent designer. He does have amazing taste, and it looks absolutely wonderful on you," Narcissa said warmly.
"Thank you," she said, bursting into a grin.

"You're welcome," Blaise mouthed.

He had set this whole thing up. She hadn't suspected it, and to get Narcissa involved seemed to melt the ice. Hermione had to give it to him - he was smart.

Narcissa 'conviently' bade them farewell half way through.

"I'm guessing Blaise set this all up," he smirked.
"Yes. I didn't know he did, Draco," she said sincerely.
"First name basis again hm?" he teased.
"So I'm guessing you finally came to your senses?"
"I realised you probably wouldn't go back to Weasel. Plus, as a skilled legilimens, I read your thoughts."
"How long have you been reading them for?" she retorted, completely and utterly appalled as she tried to think of the many things he must of seen in her head that involved him.
"Quite a while," he chortled.

"So I'm going to ask you now what I was going to ask on our walk before... the incident,"
"Hermione, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked hopefully.
"Yes," she gasped in both surprise in happiness.

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