How fucking pathetic

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Hermione couldn't help but notice that Ron seemed, well, rather sad about it. Sad and angry.
"For fucks sake Hermione, you can't really be in love with him. Think about his past- I'm only looking out for you!" he exclaimed angrily.
"Well maybe you're just jealous because somebody actually loves me Ronald!" she hissed back.

Harry left the common room quickly, and Ron and Hermione decided to go on a walk to clear up this argument.
"I'm sorry 'mione," he sighed, "its just that I always thought we would end up together,"
"what?" she replied softly as we got to the black
lake and sat down, gazing over the smooth water.
"Well, I guess I'll just admit it now," he said sheepishly.
"I love you Hermione - merlin, I've always been bloody in love with you. Lavender was just a distraction, and I sort of wanted you to get jealous,"
"Oh ron," she sighed as she took his hand into hers.

And that was all Draco needed to hear. He hadn't meant to follow them: Hermione never turned up to go on a walk with him so he just went alone, upset that she stood him up. He was going to ask her to officially be his girlfriend that night; but he guessed she had other plans.

Then he heard her and Ron approach, hand in hand, and sit down so - naturally - he listened. And he heard Weasel confessing his love to her in an
oh-so-romantic way, and he heard her not denying or rejecting it.

Angry as satan himself, he ran back to the castle and straight down into the dungeons - to his dormitory. he didn't cry - merlin, no - he just felt angry.

And betrayed.

She was supposed to be his but of course she had got weasel, her stupid little plan had worked.

"I'm really sorry but I'm in love with Draco, I want to be your best friend until we are old but nothing more than that. I do love you, Ron, just as a best friend," Hermione whispered as a reply.
"It's okay, 'mione," he said back sounding disheartened. They walked back to the common room in awkward silence, and went straight to sleep.

She woke up early in the morning, as per usual, and realised she had forgotten to meet Draco last night. She groaned at her pure stupidity and decided to write him a letter to explain. She said she had been doing homework and lost track of time: she knew it would make him unnecessarily insecure if he knew she was with Ron, and what Ron had confessed.

Hermione ran up to the owlery and gave it to Hedwig to send off. Then she got ready for school; and went to the library. Madame Pince was always up early too: must be something to do with avid readers. She could research that theory, perhaps.

She pulled out her favourite book, Hogwarts a History, and stroked its pristine spine and cover. She opened the book, inhaling the soft scent of old paper - it made her feel at home.

She had always had her nose in a book, ever since she learned to read. Her parents always catered to that as well: buying her books on the way home from work, turning the spare bedroom into a space lined with bookcases with a small sofa just for her. It was Hermione's ninth birthday gift: her own library.

She smiled to herself at the memory; and turned the pages of the book absentmindedly. Then she sat and read, until it was breakfast time, and then went down to the great hall.

She received dirty looks from my new Slytherin friends and Draco instantly. It was a bit strange, but she thought nothing of it and just smiled at them and sat down inbetween Ron and Ginny. Hermione wasn't letting this confession get in the way of her friendship.

They laughed and talked about nonsense as they ate their pancakes. She looked over at Draco to see his pancakes covered neatly in lemon and sugar: not the chocolate sauce he adored at home.

After breakfast, she went to Draco as he walked through a corridor. She hugged him, and sighed.
"God, I missed you! I'm so sorry I didn't go last night, did you get my letter?" she said. He never warmed into the hug: his body was cold and hard as slate.

Hermione removed her arms from around him and stepped back. His eyes were cold.
"Yes, I got the letter," he said and she smiled instantly.
"Thank goodness!" she laughed.
"I'm not done yet," he continued, his tone icy.

She listened in silence.

"You think I'm an idiot. You think you can just go gallivanting off with somebody else after everything I've done and everything you've said to me. You've been fucking sneaking behind my back with someone else and you thought I would never found out. How fucking pathetic," he said, ending with a frosty, ringing laugh.
"What?" she asked him, confused.
"Don't think you can play the confused act with me, Granger. We're done." he finalised.

He caught up with Pansy, and snaked an arm round her waist.

Hermione was distraught.

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