24. Party Pt2

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The sheer amount of screams that echo through the home after Frank dares

Gerard and I to kiss in the closet is deafening, and probably even worse for Gerard's vampire hearing.

Suddenly Frank is grabbing onto Gerard and Pete comes and grabs my arm, both dragging us to a nearby closet. It all happens too quickly and loudly for either of us to really put up a fight about it other than a few stutters. I make eye contact with Mikey for a moment as I'm being dragged to the closet, he looks mad but also disappointed? Mikey's expressions are so hard to read sometimes, fucking stoic bitch.

The door is opened and we are shoved in all too quickly for either of us to stop them from shutting the door behind us. Only able to pound our fists on it.

"Let us out Frank!" Gerard yelled at the door.

"YOU CAN'T COME OUT UNTIL YOU FRICKEN KISS! Or till we wanna send other people in there to makeout." Frank chuckled at the end.

"FRANK! Let us out!" I yelled.

"Uh nope, sorry!" Pete yells at us through the door.

"KISS OR DIE LOSERS!" Frank yells banging on the door.

"What the fuck Frank?!"Gerard glares at Frank through the door.

The boys laugh on the other side not even bothering to give us any more explanations. And the new silence in the closet is so loud in comparison to the noise from before.

"Ya know we don't have to kiss right?" I say quietly, feeling the nerves in my stomach tighten. "It's not like they'll know."

"That's true," Gerard looks away from the door and down at me. He can definitely see better in this closest than I can. There is only the dim ass lighting coming from the top and bottom of the door other than that, blackness.

"Sooo," I rocked back on my heels leaning against one of the walls. "What do you want to do?"

Gerard looks down at me and settles against the other wall. "I don't even know."

"Yeah, aren't like closets in movies supposed to be where secrets are shared anyway? Like if the people don't want to kiss I mean."

"Yeah well, you already know my secret." Gerard smirks mischievously.

"Hahah that's very true." I look around the small closet noting the coats along with shoes and boardgames on the floor. "Well we do have some years to catch up on right?" I looked back up at Gerard but he was making a face, head tilted toward the door.

"Hey are you okay?" I reach for Gerard and snap my fingers making him look at me.

"Sorry, there are just, just people talking and it's a lot of noise out there." He says shaking his head.

"Yeah, probably gossiping about what we're doing in here." I laugh, "Why the fuck did Frank even put us in here? We're friends not dating." I roll my eyes but feel my cheeks heat up, the fuck?

"Yeah true, he's just weird." Gerard laughs slightly awkwardly.

"Plus kissing in a closet is so fucking stupid why even bother? Kissing is dumb anyway." I trail off realizing I'm being awkward about this. Why the fuck did Pete and Frank have to do this to us?

"Have you ever even kissed someone before?" Gerard says sarcastically.
I don't need light to know that Gerard is giving me a shit eating grin right now. "You bitch. Of course I have!"

"Oh really? Who could have guessed?" Gerard continues with sass.

"Excuse me, but I think it is you who hasn't kissed anybody!" I pointed at him, poking him in the chest.

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